Author Topic: older blockland user check-in.  (Read 186922 times)

Do I count, I have a 40262 Bl_id?
 I don't have proof but I have two Alt accounts.  A TEE:20k and Lexioni:30k
I don't remember the keys so they are worthless and so are the Bl_id's at this point. But its worth something to me. .
« Last Edit: October 17, 2018, 11:24:20 PM by A_TEE »

ID 23316 reporting in. Got Blockland around the v15 update, I think?

wow thats a long list
anyways i remember my id was around 48k somewhere there
so, hi.

I bought this game in November of 2012

also me because i forgot to add me because i'm stupid
id 32704 nick_n
my key is as old as i was when i first started playing

this thread god damn

whos cutting onions

Hopefully I count even though I haven't used the forums really besides reading

Neozuki 591
Still some people I recognize here, nice

Neozuki 591
Still some people I recognize here, nice

Neozuki! My ID neighbor! Where and how've you been?

Zarzar ID 10573. I thought I had a forum account already but went to post here and apparently not lol.
Got this game back when I was a kid back in early '09 and used to play it for hours on end for days in a row. Now I probably only launch it two or three times a year unless I'm looking after a kid who needs something to do. I don't know if anyone here will remember me, I had spurts of being fairly active and other times where I mostly kept to myself. I definitely recognize some of the names here though and it's nice to see so many of you are still around!

It's been so long since I've played Blockland, its cool to revisit the forums.

I don't believe this is my original account, I believe itachi55 was my original account. I dunno if people remember me, but holy smokes reading through my old posts is cringey. I believe I still hold the record for the most flamed "clan" topic of all time. Lol.

My other acct, itachi55 was banned because I violated the forum rules on multiple accounts to get around bans, and then I was blatantly obvious about it because I was probably like 10 at the time. SMH.

But I do miss the community so much, playing jail escape, mini-empires, city rpg, the various duck hunt servers I ran. The friends I made despite being a completely immature douche as a kid, the questionable and "secret" "add-ons" that were floating around that you could find if you knew the right people that allowed you to exploit a variety of mods, the various improvements that really taught me to think and design things (even if I made comically bad creations), nothing but good memories.

Its been over a decade, but I want to apologize for being a stupid kid. Lmao. BL_ID 6593. I had two BL_IDs also, the second one was made far after the first and somewhere in the 15k range. Went by both ShadowSwipe and CloneTrooper.

If anyone wants to check out the flame fest for some popcorn-worthy entertainment, I forget if it was under this account or this one:;u=9143
but its quite the read. I think I recall people actually making posts cheering when I got my forum acct temp banned. -_-

The internet really makes it hard to forget, haha.

I still remember the very first stuffty red hut I made in single player demo mode on Bedroom when I found out about the game from my cousin Snoopbones. I wasn't here since the very beginning but even back then the changes that came over the next few years were so amazing and really propelled the game forward. I even say I'd credit this game with getting me into my career path as a CompSci major, its odd that a game could have such an impact on your life. My half-assed attempts to learn Torque script, the event system, looking through the code of various add-ons, it was so much fun. I think its time to give the game another spin :P.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2018, 02:47:23 PM by clone trooper55 »

thats basically me clone, except i never quit. dont worry about how you were back then, it was literally a decade ago, nobody would assume you're the same person now. welcome back.

if you want to get into blockland modding again, there's a content creator discord where me and a bunch of other people discuss bl mods and help each other out if we have any problems. you can find an invite link if you search "blockland content creators" in general discussion

My old acc. got nuked back in 2010, I believe I was in the 18000s.

thats basically me clone, except i never quit. dont worry about how you were back then, it was literally a decade ago, nobody would assume you're the same person now. welcome back.

if you want to get into blockland modding again, there's a content creator discord where me and a bunch of other people discuss bl mods and help each other out if we have any problems. you can find an invite link if you search "blockland content creators" in general discussion

It seems like the invite link is expired or invalid on that when I try to join.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2018, 01:12:49 PM by clone trooper55 »

What has changed in the past 5 years?
I certainly have.