Author Topic: What was your first server to play on blockland?  (Read 4401 times)

uhhhhhh i hosted my own and it didnt work so i joined some random bedroom freebuild

don't remember. the second server i went on was a freebuild and somebody showed me what events were

i then spent hours or so on a private server messing about in excitement

i don't know if it was the first server, but one of the earliest servers i joined was some kitchen freebuild.  the admins were teleporting newbs into a cage next to the carpet.

forget probably a tdm server

I don't remember the name. All I remember is that I spent an hour waiting for everything to download.

Other early servers I actually remember are Diggy's City RPG and Super Puppy's Freebuild

some random go kart thing

i have no idea what the server was called, as this was 12 years ago on v0002, but i remember there was a guy with the default minifig appearance standing next to a multi-colored wall and a guy with the default minifig but with a huge black afro building a big staircase. as soon as i loaded in, the guy with the afro started flying around me hitting me with a hammer and spraying me with spray paint typing stuff in the chat like "forget off" "no one wants you here" "get the forget out handicap" etc. and i couldn't figure out how to respond so i just walked around with him hitting me and swearing at me until i got bored and left. the guy who was standing next to the wall never moved or said anything the whole time. i feel like this introduction really accurately set the tone for the rest of the game

i remember my first server being some freebuild in kitchen. i tried to make a castle in the shelves left of the fridge, then learned about print bricks and kept asking for help on how to make bricks with text on them to the point the people got annoyed and stopped responding so i went back to buildin and didnt learn about the print brick system until like half a year later

I forget whose server (someone will remember) but it was on my friends account when I went to his house and it was a mech battle server in the bedroom. This was 2009?

i dont really remember which server i first joined at all, though.
but i still remember some of the first things i did after buying a key was downloading lots of add-ons from RTB and some from the forums and hosted a server; it was empty, of course.

my first server was a bedroom freebuild back in 2010, 2011, or 2012
couldn't remember the exact year

first server i ever joined was a house build hosted by someone named "DarkNinja"

it was bedroom night, and darkninja immediately showed me the mattress secret because they were building a house in it. they asked me if i wanted to help them build so i did and when we finished we RP'd in it :))

i still have the save too. its the oldest one i have and ill never lose it. its essentially one of my very first builds ever

first server i ever joined was a house build hosted by someone named "DarkNinja"

it was bedroom night, and darkninja immediately showed me the mattress secret because they were building a house in it. they asked me if i wanted to help them build so i did and when we finished we RP'd in it :))

i still have the save too. its the oldest one i have and ill never lose it. its essentially one of my very first builds ever
you have good brains for remembering your first server

Edit: Can you upload your first build?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2017, 01:03:55 PM by erjon »

you have good brains for remembering your first server

Edit: Can you upload your first build?
yes i can :)) and thank you, blocklands history (and my history with it) is very valuable to me

im gonna need to plug up my big computer first since im on my laptop, but once i do ill upload it here