This time it would be different given that China has a hard on for expanding its land area. This isn't some South American contra garbage. There is a major military power there with interest in the situation already.
didn't we already say something similar to this once??

North Korea is an ant. Nothing bad will happen. They will not bomb us, they will not nuke us, they won't do any real harm. They just want attention. Stop loving worrying.
i mean, nukes can do real harm, even stuffty nukes...

if it wasnt for their nuclear program nobody would reallycare about them

It's looking more and more like my 'no war' prediction was right. Military officials are already saying that Annoying Orange's remark was 'just improvised', and North Korea is going back to just insulting Annoying Orange's intelligence rather than making threats of war. Seems like status quo has returned.

north korea wouldn't dare. they know just as much as we do that it would end them.

we've been going at each other like siblings fighting over toys for like 15 years, nothing will happen

Nuclear war is literally never going to happen. NK is developing nukes as an invasion deterrent, and it's going to work because our leaders are incompetent.

Besides, if there is military intervention, we're going to have a larger migrant crCIA on our hands. I've already heard the end of it with the loving syrian migrants, I would much rather not hearing the dipstuff republicans whine their stupid asses off about the koreans wanting to jump ship to other countries. And not just north koreans either!! I imagine south koreans would probably want to get out of NK's target because they're the first to blasted when little kimmy wants to make a show of power.

Nuclear war is literally never going to happen. NK is developing nukes as an invasion deterrent, and it's going to work because our leaders are incompetent.

Besides, if there is military intervention, we're going to have a larger migrant crCIA on our hands. I've already heard the end of it with the loving syrian migrants, I would much rather not hearing the dipstuff republicans whine their stupid asses off about the koreans wanting to jump ship to other countries. And not just north koreans either!! I imagine south koreans would probably want to get out of NK's target because they're the first to blasted when little kimmy wants to make a show of power.
that wouldnt be our problem really. just south korea, japan, and china.

thats loving amazing i love it to bits

N Korea flailing around like an autist for decades till they get free food handouts as usual
nothing new here except they've finally got mid-long range ICBMs and possibly miniaturized their nukes

USA missile defense and destructive power is still literally orders of magnitude more advanced