Author Topic: Brick rigs got some big updates  (Read 1834 times)

Shadows being clinet sided is what kills servers
i dont think you understand how graphics or computers or games work so you should stop while you're ahead

Shadows being clinet sided is what kills servers

i don't think you quite understand what the word 'client-sided' means

Not the biggest fan of the update, there has been too much of a smol focus on actually providing content for creators. Look at us we zombies and guns now XD... I don't see why would anyone that has bought the game to build vehicles would have cared about that stuff, when pretty much the whole premise of the game is actually creating stuff. At most make vehicles to kill said zombies I guess - but otherwise you can't even make guns. Not to mention how the new death system is beyond annoying, because we need death in a sandbox game right?
Also it seems to have forgeted up with tires on small vehicles in particular. Handling seems to be broken / very slippery for most small vehicles I tried out or made such as karts.