Author Topic: Another statue was taken down... this time forcibly  (Read 10677 times)

Totally not the reactionaries that are whining about some statues being torn down that are going "muh fee-fees"

Can you stop

this guy legit thinks tearing down buildings because of his feelings being hurt is justify able

Everything political can be boiled down to "I support this because my feelings are hurt". Probably more common among the right because of the constant self-victimization about how your ideology is being oppressed

Can you stop

No. And I hope you make a drama about how much of a leftie I am and how that offends you, too.

"self-victimization about how your ideology is being oppressed"

Bitch do you seriously think I support racism and slavery?? Hahaha what the forget?

"self-victimization about how your ideology is being oppressed"

Bitch do you seriously think I support racism and slavery?? Hahaha what the forget?

If you don't support racism and slavery why do you want to keep up those Confederate statues hmm

If you don't support racism and slavery why do you want to keep up those Confederate statues hmm
Because I'm not an easily triggered friend who supports vandalizing and destroying stuff like an absolute mindless toddler just because of "muh feelings!"

Stop posting

Everything political can be boiled down to "I support this because my feelings are hurt". Probably more common among the right because of the constant self-victimization about how your ideology is being oppressed

No. And I hope you make a drama about how much of a leftie I am and how that offends you, too.

Oh my god

so how is a memorial for fallen soldiers not respecting the victims of a civil war?
Oh, forget off. Because the people who were oppressed by slavery, the people who were uprooted from their homes, separated from their families, tortured, raped, forced into hard labor, and treated like property are far more important to any normal person than the people who fought to protect the state that allowed it to happen.

only 6% of the south owned slaves at the time of the civil war so saying they all fought for slavery is painting way too broad of a stroke on the people who were killed
maybe they fought because all the people they knew were fighting too and they couldn't bring themselves to kill their fathers and brothers and friends?
You're aware it's possible not to fight at all? The people who fought made a conscious decision to do so. They were aware that they were fighting for a nation that allowed enslavement. That's not something you should just look over.

The confederates died for this country for what they believed was right.
I'll look over the other inane comments here. What the Confederates "believed was right" was that every white man should have the right to own slaves.

Because I'm not an easily triggered friend who supports vandalizing and destroying stuff like an absolute mindless toddler just because of "muh feelings!"

Stop posting

Dude you're getting more worked up about the statues being taken down than anybody who actually wants them taken down

I think you're getting pretty triggered

Dude you're getting more worked up about the statues being taken down than anybody who actually wants them taken down

I think you're getting pretty triggered
Oh my god

Also wanted to add that these statues being treated like property being vandalized probably speaks volumes about the right-wing thinking behind keeping these statues up and how they view property over people. They're more concerned about the statue itself than whatever people or ideology is behind that monument.

Honestly defacing or destroying public property is kinda dumb, but I'm not gonna lose sleep if a city decides to remove statues so long as the citizens of said city don't have issues with it.

People on both sides are having really strong feelings over statues. What those statues represent really don't matter that much, there's more pressing issues in all our lives to be this up in arms about.

Who knows what progress would be made if we took every argument ever to it's logical extreme

It's called CIA. They destroy egyptian monuments.

You know who else supports CIA? lefty liberals.

Who's destroying these confederate monuments? Lefty liberals.

tony should be a detective

you mean the slavery that ended 8 generations ago
the slavery that ended 6 generations ago & the segregation that ended 3 generations ago.

why would you bump this