tito and torin are attacking me and my friends

Author Topic: tito and torin are attacking me and my friends  (Read 18130 times)

 tito and torin hate me for insulting them (jokingly) so what they've decide is to make all of my friends removing me on steam to the point of this drama is to forget  both of them and dont play with those 2 handicaps hope erjon uploads the images :<

torin have you been bullying this young man?

Well yea both of them are whoring friends i got some proof here

They both love to make people piss off /support

torin have you been bullying this young man?

bullying is not the right word, but they made up lies about me being a friend collector and sperg to get my friends to unfriend me

torin have you been slandering this poor young man??

copypasta is not allowed apparently

this is the guy that got his friends to spam toxicology's comments

10/10 conclusion making skills, i simply told my friend that tito is a friend and he did that

this is the guy that got his friends to spam toxicology's comments

and? You were being an starfish and that dosnt mean he got his friends but right now you are accusing him of getting his friends to spam toxicologys comments

we cant forget a classic