Author Topic: stuff you hate in video games  (Read 12375 times)

murderous cop stop playing stuffty pixelstuff meme games

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once
this is what i hated about playing half life on hard. takes literally 2 clips with the smg to kill a grunt

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once
literally every boss in postal 2 except the bitch and champ is just a normal enemy with like 200x health

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once
This stupid stuff is fake difficulty, and anyone who incorporates it into their games needs to get curb-stomped.

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once
First part of the final boss fight in Geist.
4 minutes of shooting a guy in a floating wheelchair.
But has the best death animation ever.

long unskippable cutscenes before sequences which are easy to mess up on (cough LA Noire)
denz is a talented swordsman

time limits
long unskippable cutscenes before sequences which are easy to mess up on
me trying to complete trial of the swords on master mode

3rd game in the series is the 3d one

bosses that are too predictable and patterned

shovel knight had bosses that weren't like that at alllllll

racing games where you're an undercover cop
see: the crew
the crew's got some cool cars though

ie: 67 shelby gt500, 69 camaro

literally every boss in postal 2 except the bitch and champ is just a normal enemy with like 200x health
literally just use the glock you stuffter

Bullet sponges. Ever since I started playing Insurgency and STALKER with stupid meme difficulty mods it's become impossible to enjoy any game where I can't kill an enemy by shooting it in the head once

when the person you have to escort/follow walks faster than you but runs slower than you

the hellriegel in bf1 or any high capacity smg with a high rof you can actually smoke the stuff straight from my starfish if you use them