Author Topic: I'm having serious problems with my dorm room (things get complicated)  (Read 10286 times)

Where is your college located?
I go to college in New York and there's no air conditioning here. But the last week of August in upstate New York isn't that bad.

I'm in PA mountains and the weather here is crazy

it's either ridiculously hot or ridiculously cold and it sun-showers all the damn time

my dorm also lacks AC it's a bitch and a half

"15 minute walk to class" bro thats like, pretty standard compared to a big school. so is an unairconditioned room. just put a fan in the window, go outside more or chill at the library

UMass isn't the biggest school physically but lucky me I live on one side of campus and all my major classes are on the complete opposite side about a 25 minutes walk

"15 minute walk to class" bro thats like, pretty standard compared to a big school.

I'm at a small school
normal trek to class takes about five minutes for most people
You also missed "uphill"

so is an unairconditioned room.

not here, there's only two dorm buildings on campus w/o AC and this is one of them

just put a fan in the window,

did I not mention that we already had ten or so fans going at the same time, that's where the whole problem comes from (that and the building doesn't allow window AC units)

go outside more or chill at the library

great idea I wasn't hot and sweaty enough as is

UMass isn't the biggest school physically but lucky me I live on one side of campus and all my major classes are on the complete opposite side about a 25 minutes walk
yo, I applied to HackUMass the other day, didn't know any forumers went there lmao didnt have to repeat everything you said, my point was that this isnt anything out of the norm for college lol. like walking up a hill to class isnt something only youve experienced
great idea I wasn't hot and sweaty enough as is
outside with a breeze is cooler than a cramped dorm room + does your library not have ac or

look the point isn't that I can't be in a room without AC it's that I can't sleep in a room without AC
that's why it's so terrible and that's why I'm trying to switch

yo, I applied to HackUMass the other day, didn't know any forumers went there lmao
another former, Scout31, goes to UMass as well. We lived literally 30 seconds away from each other but never met. I've probably seen him around a hundred times though

so this is the... third? night in a row I haven't slept well
I'm already starting to lose track

I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to discuss this with my teachers, but that'll have to wait for another couple of days because I'm probably gonna shift around some classes today and tomorrow
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 08:10:46 AM by Tactical Nuke »

We just had the hall meeting tonight and it was discovered that we have a goddamn sprinkler system that will go off if enough smoke is detected in a room. This is the party hall on campus.

In other words, this room is a ticking time bomb and I could lose all of the stuff I've been working on plus all my electronics PLUS my guitar if someone so much as vapes.

I'm considering talking to the hall director in the next couple of days. I can't wait three weeks for room transfer to open.

Ok, rant time, why the everloving forget is the room change program set to begin three weeks after everyone moves in? They told me it was so that classes could get situated (added, dropped, etc.), but the two aren't loving related at all and it's not like anyone couldn't loving do a room change and a class switch at the same time. This is absolutely forgeted. I literally went online to do the room picking for this semester, and I got literally the bottom of the barrel when it comes to picking. They decided to try something new and so all different grades of students got misplaced and you've got juniors in senior-exclusive apartments and sophomores in freshman-exclusive dorms. Two of the people I wanted to bunk with literally are bunking with each other now in the dorm my freshman cousin's in so that they could avoid this hell hole of a loving living space. In other words, everything's continuously gone down the stuffter since I got here and it's entirely the college's fault. If they don't see lack of sleep due to loud noisy fans as a valid reason to move me to an AC dorm then I genuinely might have a loving aneurysm.

Luckily, I was able to move back a lab tomorrow so that I don't have to get up at seven in the morning. Same workload, but "more" sleep. I'm taking that as a sign that things are starting to go my way and I'm going to bank on juniors moving out of the prime-retail sophomore dorms into junior spaces and make a move for the best hall on campus ASAP. I'm planning on being literally the first person to apply for a room change. If I can get into the halls that are literally right next to the engineering building, I am going to be top notch for the entire year.

We just had the hall meeting tonight and it was discovered that we have a goddamn sprinkler system that will go off if enough smoke is detected in a room. This is the party hall on campus.

In other words, this room is a ticking time bomb and I could lose all of the stuff I've been working on plus all my electronics PLUS my guitar if someone so much as vapes.

I'm considering talking to the hall director in the next couple of days. I can't wait three weeks for room transfer to open.

Ok, rant time, why the everloving forget is the room change program set to begin three weeks after everyone moves in? They told me it was so that classes could get situated (added, dropped, etc.), but the two aren't loving related at all and it's not like anyone couldn't loving do a room change and a class switch at the same time. This is absolutely forgeted. I literally went online to do the room picking for this semester, and I got literally the bottom of the barrel when it comes to picking. They decided to try something new and so all different grades of students got misplaced and you've got juniors in senior-exclusive apartments and sophomores in freshman-exclusive dorms. Two of the people I wanted to bunk with literally are bunking with each other now in the dorm my freshman cousin's in so that they could avoid this hell hole of a loving living space. In other words, everything's continuously gone down the stuffter since I got here and it's entirely the college's fault. If they don't see lack of sleep due to loud noisy fans as a valid reason to move me to an AC dorm then I genuinely might have a loving aneurysm.

Luckily, I was able to move back a lab tomorrow so that I don't have to get up at seven in the morning. Same workload, but "more" sleep. I'm taking that as a sign that things are starting to go my way and I'm going to bank on juniors moving out of the prime-retail sophomore dorms into junior spaces and make a move for the best hall on campus ASAP. I'm planning on being literally the first person to apply for a room change. If I can get into the halls that are literally right next to the engineering building, I am going to be top notch for the entire year.

To be fair they don't really promise you anything when applying to dorms so you get what you get. Sure you might have applied first and payed early but you are not the only one. As far as the mix up with grade levels I'm a sophmore living in a dorm exclusivley for freshies and its most likely because its my actual first time living on campus which is why i got placed here and the 2nd year returning students get the dorms on the otherside of the campus so it could be the another factor in this situation at your school. And for the 3 weeks room change its most likely that long to get students aquainted and to resolve any problems among roomates. If you ask RA's or call the student housing or something they should be able to give an explaination.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 01:53:05 PM by nomnomnom777 »

I see where you're coming from, but the mix-up in grade levels is not due to people living on campus for the first time. You're required to live on campus for the first couple of years here, plus we're in the middle of nowhere so it's impossible not to.

Normally, we have a lottery system that assigns each individual person a number and they go in order. Specific dorms are for specific grades and everyone gets into their grade's space. They changed it up this year to something different (I'm gonna ask my older cousin who's a senior what they specifically did, she also got screwed over by this but was able to dig herself out of it before the school year began), which got people applying for spaces they really shouldn't be in considering their grade, and so everyone's shifted around and no one's in the right spot. That clamber to get into the appropriate dorm is what I'm gonna take advantage of.

Also, if it takes three weeks to sort out issues between roommates it's safe to say that you probably shouldn't be bunking with that person.

I've never seen someone struggle this much with a dorm room lol