Author Topic: I know who Kaphix is!  (Read 7128 times)

Do you?

FYI, it's not Cog.

(Posted in drama because this will get weird, dramatic response.)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2008, 06:54:37 PM by Bushido »

Yes I do. But I shall not say who.


Doesn't everyone? Besides, who cares?

I've known who Kaphix is for quite some time.

That is why you fail!

You all fail  :cookieMonster:

Or do you?

i don't really care.

Ill have fun failing

I helped him out with picking the forum name :3

I helped him out with picking the forum name :3
He told me he was going to rejoin.  :cookieMonster:

"kaphix" hasn't posted here yet.  Someone PM Apollo and tell him.

"kaphix" hasn't posted here yet.  Someone PM Apollo and tell him.
Kaphix has posted in this topic.