Author Topic: Blockland wont get any bigger with all the negative reviews on Steam  (Read 4830 times)

I understand that people want to voice their opinion.
Too many people are pissed about the v21 change. That was before the steam release so why should that even be able to be in a review?
But as I see it, Eric isn't going to listen to anyone anyway. I personally think he should put the development onto someone else who actually cares.
If all the reviews were positive, it would bring more people into the community.
Now with Blockland Glass, there is a better chance for the community to thrive again.

I want to hear your opinions about this :cookie:

People want him to update the game. But him updating the game needs an incentive. If he's not making enough money from the game, he's not going to bother.
People want to write negative reviews. This directly influences the amount of money he's making.

Writing negative reviews is reducing the chances we have at not only updates, but increasing the size of the community.

You people can write "Blockland is dying" all you want but if you have a negative review up there right now, you're one of the people holding the bloody knife.

blockland wont get any bigger period lol

this game is perfect
when i read steam reviews i see how idiot the negative reviews are
people dont understand they have to get their own addons/content to furnish their server and make their experience better
its sad ye

blockland wont get any bigger period lol

ye never but who cares really, at least kinda everyone knows everyone and its cool

why do people care whether the game is dying or not when the same people still continue to play or post
honestly if you're so worked up by an old game being an old game you're able to leave

blockland wont get any bigger period lol
thats not true though. There is no reason why a game with modern (enough) graphics, tons of mods and an active community can't grow because of an arbitrary date of release

thats not true though. There is no reason why a game with modern (enough) graphics, tons of mods and an active community can't grow because of an arbitrary date of release
because it's a pretty niche genre already and mods only do so much for a player. also to a new player the community and first impression you get is just bad. on any given day where ive started up blockland, the server list has about 5-6 popular servers and one of thems a "school shorting rp" and another one is a tdm where everyone's running around with carrot weapons

active community
the active community doesnt grow because the active community is a toxic community both to new players and to itself

0mg n0body is 3ven online wtf bad controls refund dont get this game!!!!!

because it's a pretty niche genre already and mods only do so much for a player. also to a new player the community and first impression you get is just bad. on any given day where ive started up blockland, the server list has about 5-6 popular servers and one of thems a "school shorting rp" and another one is a tdm where everyone's running around with carrot weapons
Am I really one of the very few that'll actually join an interesting but unpopulated server just so more people will notice it?

Am I really one of the very few that'll actually join an interesting but unpopulated server just so more people will notice it?
I do that too sometimes

Am I really one of the very few that'll actually join an interesting but unpopulated server just so more people will notice it?
No I do this too - some of those servers have some really cool ideas too

This is actually how I started my profile on here (minus the horrible handicapation I had back in 2011-2012), hosted a server, was unpopular, kept hosting, finally found a few people that liked my server, they kept joining, more people joined and then that's how more people knew me which was pretty cool. Learned some coding and that's how I made really cool gamemodes to start off with.

odd that i see only the most popular users here getting the most popular servers
some really old users like godordog and stuff get runted out lol
i hope gsf's game fixes this and the community that will follow it


  • Administrator
Hey dingus, spamming a link to this thread in every negative steam review isn't going to help either.  

There's basically two major classes of negative review:
  • People who played the game for 5 minutes and couldn't figure it out
  • People who played the game for 500+ hours and are mentally ill

There's a few leftovers complaining about corrupted graphics (thanks nvidia), and mac problems (thanks apple).  

I can't really do anything about any of these categories.  My mistake was not charging a monthly fee or implementing microtransaction cancer.  I probably could have bilked the mentally ill for their parent's entire life savings by now and gotten the same number of complaints.  Most of the vocal participants want the game to burn - with them in it.  I don't know if it's like Munchhausen syndrome, or if they want to feel alive by suffering, or if their ego is such that they cant bear to let other people have a game after their done with it, or if it's just arsonist's glee reveling in the power of destruction.  

When you ask people what they want in the game, here's what they tell you:
  • Revert back to version <whatever version was out when they were 12 years old>
  • Bring back maps (so the game will look like it did when they were 12 years old)
  • Implement some incredibly specific feature to satisfy my autism.
  • Implement some never-before-seen technology and overhaul the entire game so it's basically a new game.  Yes, for free please.

People will literally claim that there have been "no updates" since v21 (2012), ignoring dozens of updates because they're expecting an entirely new game - or something.  There's no point in engaging with this.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 07:02:05 AM by Badspot »

    People who played the game for 500+ hours and are mentally ill
    Hey now, a lot of the people who played 500+ hours added more pleasure & diversity. Aside from that I pretty much agree with everything else you said.

    off-topic: holy stuff the [ list] thing screwed with outside the quote, forget smf.[/list]
    « Last Edit: September 21, 2017, 07:11:47 AM by IdeTheBird »