Author Topic: So im starting a band  (Read 3952 times)

Im trying to start a nu metal band, pretty much imagine linkin park on meth, were still working on the band name, so if you have any suggestions, put them below, but what im wandering, i have a small 2ft x 4ft closet, 8ft high, and ive got a mic in there, my amp, my laptop, and a set of headphones, i want to get some acoustic panels, is there anything else i should do or am i getting an ok start?

call your band The Leafsmokers

The Oaksmokers

i called my rap group the Lean Cuisine

you probably want an instrument

The Closet cigarettes

ngl the oak smokers sounds kinda cool

ngl the oak smokers sounds kinda cool
to be honest if you dont call it this ill start a band

start a national socialist band and call it The Vinyl Solution

start a national socialist band and call it The Vinyl Solution

jesus christ