Author Topic: Four Seater Horse & Two Seater Horse  (Read 7071 times)

Four Seater Horse

- comes with two seater version
- compatible with kobble's two seater horse. if both add-ons are enabled at the same time, my two seater horse is renamed to "Two Seater Horse v2" in the vehicle selection list
- seats are spaced apart far enough to allow for weapons to be fired
- you can pretend that its a horse limousine

two seater horse in useempty four seater horseempty two seater horse



L  O  L  !
« Last Edit: September 23, 2017, 05:26:36 PM by Sylvanor »

24 seater tank turret and rowboat

another fine example of the "gun -> guns akimbo -> guns trikimbo -> guns tetrakaikimbo -> guns tetrakaikimbo akimbo" type of evolution

now we need a 12 seater horse

kobble, how do you respond????

kobble, how do you respond????
he probably thinks we're beating a dead horse

takin the little out of mlp