Author Topic: [NEWS] Merkel's party lose seats in German elections, AfD makes huge gains  (Read 6293 times)

Germany held it's federal elections yesterday, and there were some pretty interesting results. Chancellor Angela Merkel's party, the Christian Democratic Union won the most votes as expected, but they lost over 65 seats in the Bundestag, Germany's legislature. The centre-left Social Democratic Party also lost 40 seats, and had it's worst result ever in the popular vote. The big winner was Alternative for Germany (AfD), a hard-right Eurosceptic party that won 94 seats, and it's the first time it's gained representation in the legislature. Merkel is basically locked to stay on as Chancellor and she's refused to enter a coalition with AfD, but it's a pretty big trend.


reminder: afd is anti-gay couple adoption, in denial of climate change, and wants enforced conscription back

4th reich when

afd regularly talks about the vaterland, the volk, and german national identity, so

can i get a quick rundown on this situation, who afd is ect

can we divide germany a little better this time guys

you mean to tell me that the reigning party lost a forgetton of seats when they refused to acknowledge communist thugs in the streets blowing stuff up and destroying cars and when they tried to suppress anti-rapefugee views as hate speech (which people got arrested over)?

these results are not "interesting", they are entirely expected and if you think otherwise then you do not have the people's best interests at heart

loving good. Save their people.

can we not forget that the commies won 2nd

can i get a quick rundown on this situation, who afd is ect

basically the stick-up-ass party

basically the stick-up-ass party
juncoph just told me they dont like gays, i find this Very Hard to belive ike

in my experience, people who are extremely vocal about their anti-gay agenda are friends in their own special way

afd regularly talks about the vaterland, the volk, and german national identity, so
anyone else hyped for round 3

this isnt a surprise nor new to actual europeans