Author Topic: [NEWS] Merkel's party lose seats in German elections, AfD makes huge gains  (Read 6299 times)

Holy stuff you friends are acting like the good guys won Jesus.

I think the commies are gonna win because theres still a lot of bitter East Germans.
im 90% sure tony is just trolling with edgy racism at this point.

Wouldn't be the first time national socialists got their asses kicked by the commies

Holy stuff you friends are acting like the good guys won Jesus.
yeah i know

why the hell do you people think merkel is some sort of devil-witch
she's a moderate conservative who happens to be compassionate towards refugees sometimes, boo hoo

Holy stuff you friends are acting like the good guys won Jesus.
The good guys made huge gains.

The good guys made huge gains.
ah yes
psuedo-national socialists, the good guys in every political battle

ah yes
psuedo-national socialists, the good guys in every political battle

the national socialists had style and never thought of wearing a pantsuit


ah yes
psuedo-national socialists, the good guys in every political battle
I mean, obviously we have different opinions on this lol
the national socialists had style and never thought of wearing a pantsuit


I mean, obviously we have different opinions on this lol
I don't understand.
Are you saying you support the far-right German nationalists who have spoken out against homoloveuality, called for a "180" on Holocaust commemoration, and argued that Germans should be "proud of the achievements" of their soldiers in World War II (choice of clothing aside)?

gays and jews aren't people so yes

like seriously, i'm usually really skeptical about the sort of claims you see put against AfD but for once it really does seem to be as bad as claimed, jesus christ

on the bright side, they're not exactly the ruling party of germany. ideally the CDU will take this as a wakeup call

like seriously, i'm usually really skeptical about the sort of claims you see put against AfD but for once it really does seem to be as bad as claimed, jesus christ
yeah this

this isn't one of those times where people are just screaming "fascist" to right-wing populists; they really are national socialists-lite (new! zero-calorie national socialistsm!)

on the bright side, they're not exactly the ruling party of germany. ideally the CDU will take this as a wakeup call
I'm concerned that the CDU's idea of a "wake-up call" and "taking back AfD voters" will be shifting rightwards and taking up some (obviously not all) of AfD's ideals
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 07:48:30 PM by TristanLuigi »

if the cdu shifts right it'd be a good thing

if the cdu shifts right it'd be a good thing
okay well you've already established that you support AfD, ironically or otherwise

but the CDU is already center-right

okay well you've already established that you support AfD, ironically or otherwise

jokes are serious ok

but the CDU is already center-right

move more it's good for your health

jokes are serious ok
dunno, non-national socialists don't usually pretend to support national socialists