Author Topic: I'm bored, give me your lore questions to answer  (Read 13540 times)

but cats have barbed roosters (and tongues) :o
Heh, guess I'm wrong then.

if only you were invested in tolkien/warcraft lore

we'd have some good ass discussions.

im pretty interested in the star wars story but no where near as invested as i am with the two listed above

rip i guess

My true expert subjects are the AssCreed, Ass Effect, Asslo and Destinass franchises, but I endeavour to look into anything I enjoy.

what is formless oedon's role in the war of the great ones

what can you tell me about the reapers?

what is formless oedon's role in the war of the great ones
I might be barking up the wrong tree here given I don't play the Souls games, but as far as I understood the Formless Oedon is just a standard rune that gives you effects, aye? Or are you talking about the bloke it came from?

what can you tell me about the reapers?
Ah yes, 'Reapers'. The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed that claim.

In BioWare's handicapped conclusion of the Mass Effect trilogy, the AI are a combination of organic and synthetic material to produce mega AI with the purpose of solving the problem of AIs wiping out galactic civilisations through wiping out galactic civilisations before the AIs they can develop do it.

The Leviathans were a race of space cuttle-fish that had the power to control other species, which they referred to as "Thrall Races". They used the Thrall Races as slaves, allowing them to lead an oppulant, work-free lifestyle. The Thrall Races were displeased at this, and began creating AIs to do the work for them, so the Thralls could also live oppulantly. Unfortunately, the AIs would eventually rise up and attack the masters, wiping them out. This happened with every Thrall Race, and so the Leviathans developed an AI called The Intelligence to resolve the problem.

The Intelligence bugged out based on the data it studied and decided that the problem was that every 50,000 years, there would always be an AI civil war that lead to destruction of a civilisation. It's solution was to simply wipe slate every 50,000 years or so. It created Harbinger, the first Reaper, in the image of the Leviathans as its tool to enact this new policy change. The first harvest was quick as none of the involved races were prepared, and only a few hundred Leviathans survived by hiding.

A Reaper is born out of every harvest, with its internal biomechanics developed from the organic material of, and the core shaped in the likeness of, the most "prime" race that exists in a set cycle (as an example, Humans were elected the Prime race when we destroyed Sovereign). Reapers house many AI programs ("We are each a nation"), and their core directives are to wait in Dark Space (the space existing outside the Milky Way galaxy) until one of the Vangard Reapers initiates a harvest, at which point they spread across the various systems to begin their assault.

The Reapers created the Citadel and the Mass Relay technologies as a means to control the development of organic species and to develop back-doors they can use to conquer the galaxy quickly (if something is done for the races, they won't bother making or investigating it themselves). It is assumed the Reapers created the Keepers from a previous civilisation to be the maintainers of the Citadel, and that Reapers may collect members of a prime race and convert them with augmentations into subservient operatives to enable their will in-between cycles.

There are multiple classes of Reaper, but all are space-flight capable, and all unconsciously generate an "indoctrination effect" (even when not powered/active), similar to the Leviathans, which can have devastating effect on a target's mental functioning.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 03:44:32 AM by McJob »

I might be barking up the wrong tree here given I don't play the Souls games, but as far as I understood the Formless Oedon is just a standard rune that gives you effects, aye? Or are you talking about the bloke it came from?
to be fair i've read the entire 140 pages of The Paleblood Hunt, plus watched tons of lore breakdowns about Bloodborne and i still dunno who he is

when did Ness become Sands off Undertale?

So like what was the deal with Palpatine calling Commander Cody to execute Order 66? Did he call every other clone personally too? Like, "Okay that was Terry, only 1,540,299 more to go"? Why not just sent out a single recording to every clone? Why did Palpatine refer to him as Cody and not his serial number? How is Order 66 inhibited to the clones anyways? Do they have to hear the phrase? Does Commander Cody send out a signal to activate other clones? What if someone other than Palpatine says "execute order 66"? How is Anakin, for all they know is still a Jedi, not a target?

How is Order 66 inhibited to the clones anyways?

mcjob is gonna have a meltdown over this if he's a SW EU guy but what the hey

Did he call every other clone personally too? Like, "Okay that was Terry, only 1,540,299 more to go"? Why not just sent out a single recording to every clone?
As with any military, there's a whole hierarchy of command from the Generals down to the Privates. For every battle theatre, there was always someone or a group of people who were mounting the charge and coordinating local troops.

I know it's a bit awkward with how it's presented in the film, but Palpatine contacted a selection of important troops; both the leaders of planetary forces (such as Cody who was in command of the Utapau theatre), as well as specific troops who were currently protecting Jedi targets (in the movie, you can see a couple shots of troopers behind a Jedi warrior when they get the order).

The Clones are an extremely well structured, very coordinated military. Orders trickle down from command quickly, and knowing who is in charge of watching the Jedi is pretty easy so long as they're sticking to orders. You need only set the dominos up and then push on one for the entire thing to fall into place.

Why did Palpatine refer to him as Cody and not his serial number?
While it's true that the clone army is made of clones, they still had somewhat individual personalities and traits, and some clones had distinguished themselves out on the battlefield. Cody was one such trooper (his canon backstory is extremely detailed, and he has some serious battle scars), who gained a unique nickname as a result of his success. It's likely other unique troops who were in a leadership or protection detail position may have also received personalised orders.

How is Order 66 inhibited to the clones anyways? Do they have to hear the phrase? Does Commander Cody send out a signal to activate other clones?
All of the clones were implanted with a bio-chip in the birth process. This chip had two functions; ensure total obedience of the subject, and more importantly embed a series of commands that could be called and acted upon without a moment's hestiation (aka Palpatine didn't need to spend time explaining "kill the Jedi targets and secure local forces" and so on).

So long as Palpatine tells a clone unit to act on or execute an order, they must do it. It's only "voice-activated" in the sense that the clones have an embedded understanding of what all of the orders mean, and they must follow them. Furthermore, clones must stick to the chain of command, so when Cody says "Blast him", they're going to do that regardless of if they understand why or not.

What if someone other than Palpatine says "execute order 66"?
The bio-chip is keyed to only allow specific individuals (such as Palpatine) call the shots. The clones don't need to act on orders from people not in the chain of command.

How is Anakin, for all they know is still a Jedi, not a target?
You'll notice that Anakin walks into the temple with a giant army. It's very likely that Palpatine sent word to the local Coruscant barracks that his new second-in-command was coming to help with the assault on the Jedi Temple to complete Order 66.

Clones aren't dumb and they do have some initiative. The Clone Army has means to communicate service updates (such as changes in leadership), so Palpatine just needs to send a general announcement in his own time that Anakin is not a Jedi and is instead in charge of the situation.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 06:27:13 AM by McJob »

McJob dont ignore my question😎bloody bogan

McJob dont ignore my question😎bloody bogan
I don't play Undertwat so I honestly dunno mate.

Explain evangelion in 3 sentences or less