Author Topic: I'm bored, give me your lore questions to answer  (Read 13535 times)

are halo games actually fun

how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop

why are the flood so loving annoying to fight against

Explain evangelion in 3 sentences or less
Shinji Ikari, a young and socially undeveloped teenager is a key piece in his distant father's secret plot to utilise the re-emergence world-ending alien race of monsters, called "Angels", to bring back the wife/mother who was tragically killed when the Angels last appeared on Earth. His father's front to help develop his plan is to use the EVANGELION program (giant mechs that are piloted by and linked to specific teenagers) to destroy the Angels, while awaiting for the perfect opportunity to bring the world to the edge of death to the save the one he loves. All the while, other forces conspire to use the EVANGELION program for their own devestating means of control.

are halo games actually fun
Halo is what got me into game dev, and it's still some of my best moments in gaming. But I highly recommend you play with friends, splitscreen. And only play the Bungie ones.

why are the flood so loving annoying to fight against
The Covenant are very reactive, and they're easy based on your gaming history to understand how to defeat them. They scream in pain, have funny dialogue, very clear identifiers as to their status (shield down, in pain, aiming at you etc) and so forth. They're incredibly enjoyable to fight and they have some very fun designed encounters.

The Flood are designed to be stressful. They don't react as much. They don't speak your language. They're given an atmosphere that's creepy and messed up. They also are a bit more puzzling to kill as their mechanics are a bit different (such as the Flood Carrier spawning Infection Forms when they explode, or all Flood's critical spots in their chests instead of the head).

Things are annoying when they break your expectations in ways you weren't prepared for. You play a game, learn something and then the game suddenly does a flip without giving you time to warm up to it. The Flood represent this kind of switch up.

What happened to the Androsynth in Star Control 2?

Do Balrogs have wings?

Where does the flood originate from?

-thought this was a different thread lol-

Where does the flood originate from?
Bungie's canon never described the origin of the Flood, instead leaving them as one of the mystery elements from the Forerunner era that prompted the creation and activation of the Halo/Installation array.

343's canon described the war between the Forerunners and "the Precursors", another race looking for control of the galaxy. The Forerunners beat back the Precursors, some of whom were spared and enslaved, while the others who escaped and were really pissed off turned into a fine powder which "became corrupted", and eventually became infectious spores that lead to the creation of The Flood as you know them. The power was loaded onto ships and aimed towards the core of the Forerunner civilization.

Do you see why I don't like 343?

Do Balrogs have wings?

What happened to the Androsynth in Star Control 2?
Never played it, sorry.

where did the force come from

where did the force come from
There is supposedly a place called "The Wellspring of Life", which is the true nexus of the Star Wars galaxy and which is responsible for all life. From the Wellspring came the Force, an energy field connected to all living things that those who were sensitive to it (by having a physical connection of midichlorians) could access and manipulate.

i thought the new star was was good...

What named UNSC Supercarrier took part in the Battle of Reach?

What named UNSC Supercarrier took part in the Battle of Reach?
UNSC Trafalgar, the only Punic-class that was actually completed, destroyed in the Fall of Reach.

How will The Last Jedi salvage The Force Awakens?