
Do you like the new 1500x1500 maps?

1 (33.3%)
2 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: The Block Theater TDM [NEW POLL] (Need builders)  (Read 3360 times)

Well, once I figure out how to generate proper maps, there will be maps that will let humvees and tanks trough.

Here is a new screenshot on the progress for maps that cars can travel through.

You cant say it was not fun to run away from a helicopter trying to ram you, haha.

when i hosted i was crashed when they got stuck

why not limit vehicles to like, one or two roads that travel through the lower parts of the map? maybe there's like one road that leads to a capture point (from both bases), but vehicles can't really travel anywhere else. would definitely make a cool dynamic between the need for vehicle based transport and combat, while also making infantry and artillery really useful to control the roads. helicopters would then be more used to either support vehicles, or allow teams to be able to get behind enemies if they can't make any progress on the ground directly
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 06:34:40 PM by RedGajin »

That cubescape terrain is going to be a bouncejumping hell. And you won't be able to drive land vehicles on it at all.

why not limit vehicles to like, one or two roads that travel through the lower parts of the map? maybe there's like one road that leads to a capture point (from both bases), but vehicles can't really travel anywhere else. would definitely make a cool dynamic between the need for vehicle based transport and combat, while also making infantry and artillery really useful to control the roads. helicopters would then be more used to either support vehicles, or allow teams to be able to get behind enemies if they can't make any progress on the ground directly

That cubescape terrain is going to be a bouncejumping hell. And you won't be able to drive land vehicles on it at all.

You are right, I'm thinking of just leaving all flat and just adding some caves, I have some interesting maps already generated for testing, but sadly there are still problems, such as mountains being too big to climb.

Here are some polls, please check them out!

Poll number 1, what map type do you like better?
Here is an image of flatlands

Here is an image of a normal map

Poll number 2, should there be armor?
Here is an image of armor

Armor would take 1 - 2 slots off from the player in order to make up for the damage reduction.
Armour might include gasmasks (and yes, working gas grenades, Iv just got to find the addon)


flat > normal

rule of thumb, you should usually give armor only to players who are operating close-medium range exclusively. that or slower players, who are going to take more concentrated fire than others

This is why I believe a loadout system would be better, tho it makes customization much lower it will more than make up with balance.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 03:31:55 PM by Ultimate host »

So, here is the new loadout system that lets you choose any weapon instead of just a pack, it was a bit hard to come up with a way to balance, but here it is, give me your thoughts in the polls and comments, please!

As I said, not only I want your thoughts, but if you can build please contact me.

still love the first terrain you had. flat maps are boring and not very engaging. i still think adding one or two roads were vehicles are basically forced to go would be your best bet.

also i think like phanos said, armor should be limited to only close range weapons

still love the first terrain you had. flat maps are boring and not very engaging. i still think adding one or two roads were vehicles are basically forced to go would be your best bet.

also i think like phanos said, armor should be limited to only close range weapons

Sadly people seemed to really like the non-class based loadout system, so I tried my best to balance it, even so, armor won't make you super OP, since most players will probably wear kevlar (+20% to torso) and a gas mask (+0% to head). (I tried and a shotgun will still 1 shot you even with the kevlar on) (those who choose to tank, will get punished by gas grenades)

although I do see your point, worry not this is still in WIP so there (might) be many changes, one of them might be a remake of the weapon selection system.

On to the point of the other maps, well I realized that if the vehicle got off the road then he would be screwed, at the same time players who don't use vehicles will be bunny hopping all over the map.
I will make up for this by making even bigger maps (from 800x800 to 1500x1500).

This will make planes and helicopters much more effective, tho that won't guarantee your arrival to the frontline, AA guns might try to shoot you, so it's recommended that you try to stay out of the line of fire and land a bit before you do.
If only I could find the 4-player biplane from the old TDM.

Also just to even add another point toward flatlands, the flatlands are much easier to mod, so there will be many biomes.
One of them being one of my personal favorites, the theater (no man's land)
I get excited just thinking about how cool it will look.

Also just a small note, at the moment I'm focused on making the maps work, I have contacted the creator of the tool because Iv been having trouble with some variables, you wont see too many updates aside from maybe some polls and concepts.

Just in case, this might be me just pushing my luck, but do you happen to know any good builder who might be able to lend a hand?

1500x1500 maps are finally here!!

Well, that means that now I only have to focus on adding biomes and getting builders!