Author Topic: Sonic Forces released. Unsurpisingly bad.  (Read 9124 times)

I wouldn't say it's bad, it's just kind of okay.
I think people are saying it's bad because Mania came out right before it, and that does bring up a good point.
Mania, a game basically made by a bunch of fans, is miles better than this game that Sonic Team made us wait 4 years for, and that's kind of upsetting. Especially after Sonic Team proved with Generations that they're capable of making a good game using the boost formula.

if you're a sonic fan at this point what the hell are you even doing
Waiting for a Mania sequel, this time without old zones forced (heh) in because marketing

playing sonic 3 complete
My man
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 07:33:57 PM by /dev/sr0 »

Sonic's problem is that it changes too quickly and it takes itself too seriously. I mean, if you look at the past several games, they've gone through about ten different main game  mechanics without sticking to one. That, and this game in particular is playing itself off as one of the most gripping tales to ever be told. The line "I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist; Sonic is gone for good." is a line that actually exists and is real. It's a Sonic game. The story is that he slams into robots and saves enslaved creatures. That, and he goes fast. The end.

Sonic's problem is that it changes too quickly and it takes itself too seriously. I mean, if you look at the past several games, they've gone through about ten different main game  mechanics without sticking to one. That, and this game in particular is playing itself off as one of the most gripping tales to ever be told. The line "I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist; Sonic is gone for good." is a line that actually exists and is real. It's a Sonic game. The story is that he slams into robots and saves enslaved creatures. That, and he goes fast. The end.
A Sonic game can take its story seriously and still be good. Where it runs into problems is when the lines are so damn terrible that it makes long-time fans immediately want to turn the game off and get a refund.
And Forces in particular has a problem of things happening for no reason at all. Like, sure, the reason why Classic Sonic was there was because of the portal at the end of Mania, but after he gets there he does nothing of importance, other than being a selling point on the box.
Not to mention only half of the enemies from the reveal trailer even get boss battles. Shadow just enters a cutscene to explain how the Ruby works, and Chaos does literally loving nothing before getting ohko'd by stuffty Sonic 4 physics Sonic. We only get to fight yet another metal sonic and the unimportant red guy from Lost World. What was the point of the other two being there?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 08:52:24 PM by /dev/sr0 »

this makes sonic 06 look like a masterpeice

this makes sonic 06 look like a masterpeice
Thats a lie and you know it, that game is loving terrible.

Thats a lie and you know it, that game is loving terrible.

why are you so hellbent on defending this game?

this makes sonic 06 look like a masterpeice
why are you so hellbent on defending this game?
...have any of you actually played it?
The gameplay and physics are almost the same as Sonic Generations, and last time I checked, that game was pretty good.
Most of the complaints I've seen are about the levels being boring and repetitive, but how in the world does that make this game worse than Sonic 06?
What we should be asking is why are you so hellbent on saying the game's so stuff?
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 10:54:59 PM by /dev/sr0 »

i just call out what i see.

Thats a lie and you know it, that game is loving terrible.
at least sonic 06 is longer than 2 hours

So when they gonna hire the guy who made sonic utopia?

any failings in sales could be recouped by just polishing and releasing that oc creator as a separate thing cause that stuffll bilk autists for millions if they sell microtransaction accessories for it

any failings in sales could be recouped by just polishing and releasing that oc creator as a separate thing cause that stuffll bilk autists for millions if they sell microtransaction accessories for it

honestly surprised a diy sonichu hasn't been posted here already

prolly because nobody here is dumb enough to buy it even for stuffposting