Author Topic: Pecon's Technic Fortwars - Rules updated  (Read 6996 times)


Technic Fortwars aims to replicate much of the same appeals of traditional Fortwars minigames, with a few important differences. The main difference is that rather than all weapons being free to use, each player has 'resources' which regenerate over time and influence what weapons and items they can summon into combat. Generator and factory bricks influence the creation of additional resources, creating a path of progression where the player builds their base to be able to produce more powerful weapons and vehicles. Additionally, a system is in place which keeps players who are building separate from those who are fighting, allowing them to build stress-free and at their own pace. This style of gamemode is in stark contrast to something like Base Raiders, because it by design encourages artistic freedom going into people's bases rather than just quick and dirty builds.


1: Do not be a jerk. This includes using the difference in modes to annoy people in the opposite mode. (ie. don't go spraycanning people who are fighting, and don't annoy people who are building with weapons, don't use build mode to make an invincible wall for teammates, etc.)

2: Don't build floating bases. If you have a raised sniper platform or something it should be reasonably possible to reach by walking. Towers are generally okay as long as they're a complete stucture. Floating/unreachable bases ruin the fun and force other people to sink to your own scummy tactics.

3: Do not build in a way that interferes with other player's builds. Building bridges/walkways into/onto other bases will get your bricks cleared.

4: Don't post links in the chat that aren't relevant to Blockland.

5: Don't utilize any exploits that circumvent the general game mechanics. Those exploits should be reported so they can be fixed.

6: Be respectful in the chat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I fight?
A: When you first join you'll need to first build a base. You cannot fight until you have built a base and set a spawnpoint in it using the /setspawn command. Once you've done that, you're free to do /combatmode and start fighting other players in combat mode.

Q: How do I get weapons?
A: Once you are in combat mode, you will have a tool in your inventory that lets you buy weapons for resources. You cannot spawn items on bricks beforehand, as this would defeat the buying mechanic.

Q: What's the 'Technic' part of this?
A: Basically, there is a technic bricks tab in the brick selector which has generators and factories. When you have both generators and factories in your base, they increase the rate and limit of your resources. Generators also are used to power many events which require energy.

Q: How do I get more resources?
A: See above answer.

Q: How do I get more tech points?
A: You will earn approximately 1 tech point for each kill you get in combat mode. You also earn about 1/8th of a tech point for each enemy factory or generator you disable.

Q: Do generators do anything other than power factories?
A: Yes, generators are needed to power most events.

Q: Can you refund/move generators and factories?
A: No. Be very careful with your placement.

Q: How do I fix a generator/factory that is on fire?
A: Use a repair wrench on it. You get one for free while you are in build mode.

Q: Do things save when I leave?
A: All things you have built and your tech points are saved and loaded.

Quick-start guide

Step 1: Build a baseplate to start your base.

Step 2: Build a base. (optional)

Step 3: Place a generator and factory in your base (from the technic bricks tab). The strongest start using the 15 tech points is one Basic Factory, a Gas Generator 1, and a Gas Generator 2. You need both generators and factories to increase your resource production.

Step 4: Set a spawn in your base with the /setSpawn command.

Step 5: Enter combat mode with /combatmode

Step 6: Open your tools and buy a weapon(s) using the 'buy weapon' item in your inventory.

Step 7: Kill players to earn tech points.

Step 8: Return to build mode with /buildmode

Step 9: Build more generators and factories to unlock more resources, ability to buy new weapons (and eventually) vehicles.

Step 10: Repeat from step 5!

In-depth explanations

Generators have three values: their tech point cost, their energy production per tick, and their armor. Obviously, when you plant a generator it'll deduct its tech point cost from your tech points. Every tick (5 seconds) all your generators will recharge and contain energy (¤) equal to their energy production stat. This energy is used by factories and events, explained in the next section. When a generator takes damage from a bullet, the damage is reduced by its armor stat. The player who shot it will get a message that their attack was ineffective if the armor fully mitigates the damage. When a generator is destroyed, it will break like any other brick for 30 seconds and then respawn. After respawning, it will be on fire and the owner will have to hit it with a repair wrench to make it work again.

Factories have four values: their tech point code, their load, their capacity (not shown on brick image), and their armor. Planting a factory buys it for its tech point cost. Every tick (5 seconds), all the energy that was not used from your generators in the previous tick is pooled and then processed by the factories. The total amount of energy that can be processed is equal to the combined load values of all your factories. Processed energy becomes resources (Þ) at a rate of 1% (ie. 100 energy becomes 1Þ). Factories also passively increase your total resource capacity by their capacity value. When a factory is destroyed, it will break like any other brick for 30 seconds and then respawn. When a factory takes damage from a bullet, the damage is reduced by its armor stat. The player who shot it will get a message that their attack was ineffective if the armor fully mitigates the damage. After respawning, it will be on fire and the owner will have to hit it with a repair wrench to make it work again.

Advanced Weapon Fabricator
The Advanced Weapon Fabricator is high-cost technic brick that allows you to build stronger 'Advanced' weapons (Which are denoted by [Adv] in the item list). While fabricating an item, the fabricator will consume 300¤ and 3Þ per tick. You will need to balance your power and resource production around this if you want to have any success. The item the fabricator is fabricating will be destroyed if the fabricator is destroyed or if the owner switches to build mode. The fabricator can be paused and resumed by the owner as needed, but the item it is fabricating cannot be canceled (technically though you can cancel it by switching into build mode).

Most events require energy (¤) from generators to work. Players can also provide some of their jet energy to power small events if there are no generators around. The amount of energy used by an event depends on the effect and scales significantly with certain things such as spawnProjectile, heal, zap, and rechargePlayer.

Brick damage
In technic fortwars, all bricks have a health value proportionate to their volume. When hit with a projectile weapon (anything other than melee and the Sniper) or within an explosion, they lose health if the owner of the brick is in combat mode or is offline. This means that players in build mode cannot have their bricks destroyed. When a larger brick drops below 30% health, it'll make a crumbling sound to indicate that it's close to being destroyed. Destroyed bricks respawn after 30 seconds with full health. Baseplates connected to the ground have a massive health boost that makes them very hard to destroy. Any brick that has taken damage can have the damage reversed with a repair wrench.

Players can generally team up by giving each other build trust. Players with trust won't damage each other or their bricks, can set spawns on each other's bricks, can ride vehicles together, and obviously can build bases together as well. Teamed players cannot share resources, items, or generators/factories, as this could defeat the progression of the game. Players can also create 'guilds' to organize themselves and have their own private teamchat. Guild commands: (As non-guild member) /createguild [guildname] (As guild leader) /invite [playername] /dismiss [playername] /promoteleader [playername] /disbandguild (As any guild member) /leaveguild /listguildmembers. Players within a guild have a private teamchat that can be accessed with the normal teamchat key. Guilds are only a grouping/communication mechanisim, you still need build trust for the game to treat you like teammates.

Conan - Custom bricks and models, built mesas.
Zeustal - Built lots of roads.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 06:31:53 PM by Pecon »

Reserved in case the OP gets too long to fit.

OnVehicleSpawn>Vehicle>Setscale 2.0
how much energy would that take

Seems very interesting.

I like this. My problem with fortwars has always been that their basically freebuilds with a DM element. This makes it an actual, more immersive gamemode.

Is this Boss Battle's brother that has been found?????

Much fun, especially when you get a good guild going.

I had an idea just like this that I gave to Glass when he was hosting his Fort Wars. Basically, people could use points/currency to upgrade doors for better security and make it harder to get into their base, upgrade weapons, vehicles, and they could raid an enemy base and steal their points.

It would enforce creativity to be able to figure out how to get into other people's bases and to build the best defense and offense.