Author Topic: MicroEDGE - not a cole dude  (Read 12460 times)

no, i'm just askin you guys for a date you'd be okay with me to come back. i DON'T expect you to know, just take a guess

it's comments like this that make me wonder of micro has even been put on a timeout before

it's comments like this that make me wonder of micro has even been put on a timeout before

it's story time with micro

a lonnnnnnng time ago, when i was around 6, i had just learned of the magical invention known as a copier.
i thought a copier could copy A N Y T H I N G, not just things on a sheet of paper.
so my dumbass self stuck a TEN FOOT loving PLANK into the slot where you put the paper.
surprise surprise, it loving broke.
my dad walked into the room with me and the copier and saw the plank inside the slot.
i think he was both mad and disappointing.
mostly mad though, so he took my ass and beat it.

ok so in short yes i did get punished

it's story time with micro

a lonnnnnnng time ago, when i was around 6, i had just learned of the magical invention known as a copier.
i thought a copier could copy A N Y T H I N G, not just things on a sheet of paper.
so my dumbass self stuck a TEN FOOT loving PLANK into the slot where you put the paper.
surprise surprise, it loving broke.
my dad walked into the room with me and the copier and saw the plank inside the slot.
i think he was both mad and disappointing.
mostly mad though, so he took my ass and beat it.

ok so in short yes i did get punished

Was it necessary to tell this story?

yes my comments in bold (obviously)
you know what? fine. whatever. obviously there's nothing i could say to you that'd make you leave, even if its for your own good. you're here, you've already paid for your new account, and you wanna make things right. learn from your mistakes this time.

1) stop trying to butt into things, particularly social circles. it wont work.
2) be less obsessive
3) be less defensive when people call you out for doing something stupid. spamming bullstuff because everyone is mad at you isn't going to make them stop being mad at you. own up to it, or at least stop doing it.
4) read the room. the reason people were so annoyed at the arg (besides that it was kinda crappy) is that instead of having an actual payoff, the big reveal is that you're the guy everyone hates and you're back.
it's story time with micro

a lonnnnnnng time ago, when i was around 6, i had just learned of the magical invention known as a copier.
i thought a copier could copy A N Y T H I N G, not just things on a sheet of paper.
so my dumbass self stuck a TEN FOOT loving PLANK into the slot where you put the paper.
surprise surprise, it loving broke.
my dad walked into the room with me and the copier and saw the plank inside the slot.
i think he was both mad and disappointing.
mostly mad though, so he took my ass and beat it.

ok so in short yes i did get punished
5) figure out how to interact with people online in way that isn't really loving weird

all told i dont know why im writing this post. people gave you a lot of advice when you were spamming a few days ago and you didn't take any of it. you're probably gonna do it again because you're just obnoxious and stubborn like that. you've kinda spent all your credibility. i dont think many other people are gonna give you a second chance anytime soon.

how, exactly? i'm just asking for a time, not freaking out cause somebody said they don't like fnaf
instead of taking the advice or straight up refusing it, you have to question it in the most absurd way possible, like do you have a mental illness or something

he then bans pie crust, a member of the Bumbo Clan for no reason and attempts to hide the evidence

he starts trying to play "mind games" with us

clearly, he's having some kind of mental breakdown

and he seems to be extremely upset that he can't join thot patrol or any other kind of social group

imagine having this little self awareness

i hear microedge is in for a world of hurt

Did microedge just ascend to a level of handicapation that you should never go to?

it's story time with micro

a lonnnnnnng time ago, when i was around 6, i had just learned of the magical invention known as a copier.
i thought a copier could copy A N Y T H I N G, not just things on a sheet of paper.
so my dumbass self stuck a TEN FOOT loving PLANK into the slot where you put the paper.
surprise surprise, it loving broke.
my dad walked into the room with me and the copier and saw the plank inside the slot.
i think he was both mad and disappointing.
mostly mad though, so he took my ass and beat it.

ok so in short yes i did get punished

the whole point of my post was saying how you've probably never been told 'sit here until you fix yourself' but if you want to tell a story thats only purpose is to look funny ok

no, i'm just askin you guys for a date you'd be okay with me to come back. i DON'T expect you to know, just take a guess

september 25th 2018

september 25th 2018
thats goin WAY too easy on him.
2020 sounds better.