yes, the roblox forums are actually shutting downhttps://devforum.robl (there's a space in between the l and o in roblox, remove it to see the link)rest in piss forever miss
I made nearly 11 thousand posts on the forum. Glad to see they're all be gone in 7 days since read only just isn't enough. At least I'm far safer against from getting moderated over a post I made in 2012. Also goes to show how much data can get knocked out with only a 7 days notice from read online to deletion - ~228 million posts are going to be gone; that'll be fun to try to archive in 7 days (>95% of it won't be missed though).
it's still going to be there but read only
The ROBLOX forums sucked, they kept giving me warnings for 'flaming'.