Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16556 times)

did your parents tell you to take a shower
Haha you sure got me there!

How about you forget right off? That was a traumatic experience that caused a lot of mental stuff you starfish.
Why are you always like that?

for someone who only speaks in memes you sure can't take a joke

apparently the person yelling the orders is NOT the person filming/holding the gun

id certainly agree there was definitely an easier way to direct this person through detainment procedure, however its hard to say how i feel about shooting him. i wish it didnt happen, and even though i can say ive had to do some quick complex decision making in the moment, ive never had to do so while actively pointing a gun at someone. if i even slightly suspected that someone was an actual threat to my life and i had a gun, realistically id probably light them up at a moments notice too

my brain would turn off if i was getting yelled at like that. following orders being barked at you is stressful and making every specific move right cant be expected from everyone

however i imagine its just as stressful holding an ar-15 to a suspect while orders are being barked to them. even if theyre drunkenly innocent, i can easily imagine how adrenaline pumping and judgement clouding it must be to point a semi-automatic at someone while a person on your team is viciously yelling at them. my brain would probably turn off in that situation too. id go straight to impulsive/muscle memory and decision making. however thats also why im not a cop

i wish the guy with the gun had better judgement, but i blame whoever is commanding david to do stuff for his death. i dont understand why they didnt just cuff him while he was sprawled out on the ground. they already had guns on him they could have just as easily shot him down while approaching him if he tried anything. i could see "not checking the other halls" for being a reason for that, but again, there was two, maybe three officers there. did they even have a reason to suspect there being more people involved than just this daniel guy?

all in all, everyone could have handled this situation better. the guy yelling the orders should have been calmer and clearer, the guy holding the gun shouldnt have been so trigger happy but its understandable, and daniel should have asked the officers for permission to do literally anything that would go against their orders. if he wanted to pull his pants up, he should have asked the officers if it was okay. if he was drunk i completely get that, but in this case he should have admitted to that

for someone who only speaks in memes you sure can't take a joke
holy stuff do you have to joke about everything
it isn't even funny
all you do is just >>>lel memes are funny!!!!!!!! even when the thing that you're "joking about" is pretty damn bad

for someone who only speaks in memes you sure can't take a joke
I thought that's the average response to your posts

for someone who only speaks in memes you sure can't take a joke

i mean your jokes are about as good as stray legos in a dark room

They were simple, one thing at a time as they should be. The only complicated thing was "left foot over right foot", which was stupid but its still simple. If they were "ridiculously complicated" it would be: "crawl forward with your right hand first, looking to the left every time your right hand goes forward, and right whenever your left hand goes forward."
With the threat of death every five seconds. You think some guy crying and pissing himself is a threat while he's on the ground?

i mean your jokes are about as good as stray legos in a dark room
on this forum, lego insults are the ultimate form of disrespect

So they scare him senseless by threatening to kill him, and shoot him when he does what they say? Well that's always a great sign.

did your parents tell you to take a shower

Haha you sure got me there!

How about you forget right off? That was a traumatic experience that caused a lot of mental stuff you starfish.
Why are you always like that?


So they scare him senseless by threatening to kill him, and shoot him when he does what they say? Well that's always a great sign.
he literally did the opposite of what they said when he reached for his pants

he literally did the opposite of what they said when he reached for his pants
I know two things about this
1 - I didn't see that so if you could point out when he does that it would be nice, thanks.
2 - I'm pretty sure that's not why they shot him, it was because he didn't do exactly what they said, and even if he was reaching for a gun 5-8 shots was unnecessary,

I know two things about this
1 - I didn't see that so if you could point out when he does that it would be nice, thanks.
2 - I'm pretty sure that's not why they shot him, it was because he didn't do exactly what they said, and even if he was reaching for a gun 5-8 shots was unnecessary,
2. police are trained to fire until the person is neutralized, and if he really had a weapon, shooting him once may not have sufficed to stop him

Mind sharing the timestamp? The imagine is too blurry and I honestly can't tell what he's doing.

And one thing I want to know is, do you really think if he was shot he would be able to pull a gun really fast out of wherever to shoot the police officer?

Mind sharing the timestamp? The imagine is too blurry and I honestly can't tell what he's doing.

And one thing I want to know is, do you really think if he was shot he would be able to pull a gun really fast out of wherever to shoot the police officer?
its not what we think, its police protocol. you can't ask police officers to (potentially) give up their lives for their job in the name of justice/benefit of the doubt - very very few would ever consider being one then. this guy was perceived as a dangerous threat, and they treated him as such.

and yes, people can be shot and still pull out a gun and shoot others. its not like one bullet will instantly kill/incapacitate a person no matter where it lands. and in tense situations, accuracy generally drops, if they missed the first shot they may not realize it until after the guy "pulls out a gun".