Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16564 times)

I also like to point out the guy giving instructions is not the same guy as the shooter.

not any time soon because it's fine

an innocent person was killed

Can we all at least agree that this was a stuffty and undesirable outcome that an unarmed guy was killed, even if the legality of the shooting is in dispute?

an innocent person was killed
yeah -- after appearing to reach for a weapon, which is a huge no-no.
Can we all at least agree that this was a stuffty and undesirable outcome that an unarmed guy was killed, even if the legality of the shooting is in dispute?
yeah, agreed. infact this was the first thing i said in here

I think the cop wanted to shoot him, he was just looking for an excuse. The forgeter is in full body armor and he shot him because he was "concerned"? I don't think so. The yelling doesn't help a scared individual cooperate any better either. My overview is that this was poorly handled and could have been done better but the outcome is the outcome. Appearance of a threat is a very subjetive and scaleable argument, his hand barely reached his wasteband before the officer was all guns a' blazing. If movement as simple as that is cause of such a quick and reactionary response, then you have no reason to feel safe with the police when cooperating.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 05:28:00 PM by Tayasaurus »

yeah, agreed. infact this was the first thing i said in here
So it would be worth it to look at the reasons why our country's police departments tend to resort to lethal force far more easily than others, right?

how was he supposed to crawl toward the cop with his legs crossed with his hands in the air
plus he looked intoxicated or on drugs so what the cop told him to do was super dumb
i hope the cop dies

So it would be worth it to look at the reasons why our country's police departments tend to resort to lethal force far more easily than others, right?
Seriously this.

So it would be worth it to look at the reasons why our country's police departments tend to resort to lethal force far more easily than others, right?
somewhat informative video on the matter of how police in the united states determine when to shoot

yeah -- after appearing to reach for a weapon, which is a huge no-no.
so you're saying they should've cuffed him while he was on the ground

so you're saying they should've cuffed him while he was on the ground
If he was, they can't. Also I think he is saying that's why he got shot
Not only is that too much of a security threat, it is also a bad idea
If anyone says "WOAHHH THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST TASED HIM" no, just be quiet, you can't just taser him. You don't know if he has a condition either way, plus since he was drunk odds are he may have gone into shock

so you're saying they should've cuffed him while he was on the ground
no,  jesus christ are you inept or something? do you keep forgetting that the officers needed to clear the room and it would be a more dangerous situation leaving him in the hallway while they did it and were near the door along with him? i'm saying he shouldn't have reached for his waistband, hell, he shouldn't have been loving around with a rifle near a hotel window.

now, i think the crawling tactic they used was dumb and could've been done while he was standing so they could get him towards them, but they were not wrong in having him come to them at all.

the video is forgeted and the officer didnt seem like the best cop so i dont mind him getting relieved of his badge but i do think the shooting's justified. shaver was drunk as forget, reported to have been seen with a rifle next to the hotel room's window (which was true but who knows what else the people calling 911 were saying), was failing to follow coherent orders early on, and so on. also i dont know what the forget snaked_snake is going on about, he reached for his waistband and in barely a second (which i feel like snaked needs to know is a very short span of time, especially in this kind of situation) he was shot, and i didn't see him put his arm down at all before the shooting started. remember; reaching to your waist while having numerous guns pointed at you and dealing with the police is almost always a terrible idea

as for the whole 'well why didn't they just cuff him where he was??', it's pretty standard police procedure in these kinds of situations to have the suspect come towards them when detaining them/making an arrest. however i don't really like the dumb 'okay cross your legs with your arms in the air and now CRAWL towards us ok?' and i'll say that the officers/sergeant shouldn't have tried that (then again it could be standard procedure for the local PD of mesa arizona but i wouldnt know), but they were in the right mind of bringing the suspect to them. personally i feel like something along the lines of a felony stop could've been used and possibly would've ended with shaver keeping his life and avoiding such a forgeted up situation

of course i would. i'd knock on his door. "police, open up." in this case, he would open the door and respond to questions/comply with instructions. if there was actually anything out of the ordinary, i'd put my hand on my gun. if there were any indication of him being a threat, i'd take the gun out of the holster and tell him to put his hands on his head and face to the wall/ground and frisk and cuff him while the place can be searched. then more questions, etc. etc.

screaming "IF YOU MOVE I WILL SHOOT YOU AND YOU WILL DIE" is not caution, it's wanting to flopping your power richard around.
why the forget would you go up to and knock on the door of a possibly barricaded suspect reported to have a gun?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 06:19:35 PM by Decepticon »