
Which one is the worst political party?

73 (49.3%)
national socialists
75 (50.7%)

Total Members Voted: 148

Author Topic: Is Communism the worst? Or national socialistsm is the worst?  (Read 17503 times)

I mean yeah they're both bad, but if you just pick one in the polls what party will be the worst party during WW2?

I'd say for the commies
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 03:30:30 PM by Cole Phelps! »

equally bad ideals. only difference between communism and national socialistsm is that communism can look nice and practical on paper but never works in practice, which can be better or worse

national socialistsm is explicitly tribal while communism is an all around stuffty idea

authoritarianism is the problem and fascism is inherently authoritarian, apparently unlike communism, although how you massively redistribute wealth and radically change society without overwhelming state power is beyond me
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 03:41:29 PM by DestroyerOfBlocks »

national socialistsm is explicitly tribal while communism is an all around stuffty idea
Yea, killing jews and etc. Communism killed alot of people who they didnt like.

national socialistsm directly lead to the deaths - and systematic extermination of - at least 20 million people, if not 30+ million, in the span of five years. communism has a comparable death toll, but that's not from targeted extermination. just sheer incompetence. besides, the death toll for communist purges, like stalin's or mao's, is in the thousands. not the millions or tens of millions.

both are cancerous ideologies, but national socialistsm is undeniably the worse of the two.

in both communism and national socialistsm there has to be a scapegoat. not much difference there
horseshoe theory



The Khmer Rouge government arrested, tortured, and eventually executed anyone suspected of belonging to several categories of supposed "enemies", including:

Anyone with connections to the former Cambodian government or with foreign governments.

Professionals and intellectuals – in practice this included almost everyone with an education, people who understood a foreign language and even people who required glasses (which, according to the regime, meant that they spent too much time reading books instead of working). Ironically, Pol Pot himself was an educated man with a taste for French literature and spoke fluent French. Many artists, including musicians, writers, and filmmakers were executed. Some like Ros Serey Sothea, Pan Ron, and Sinn Sisamouth gained posthumous fame for their talents and are still popular with Khmers today.

Ethnic Vietnamese, ethnic Chinese, ethnic Thai, and other minorities in the Eastern Highlands, Cambodian Christians (most of whom were Catholic, and the Catholic Church in general), Muslims, and the Buddhist monks. The Roman Catholic cathedral of Phnom Penh was razed. The Khmer Rouge forced Muslims to eat pork, which they regard as forbidden (ḥarām). Many of those who refused were killed. Christian clergy and Muslim imams were executed.

"Economic saboteurs" – many former urban dwellers were deemed guilty of sabotage due to their lack of agricultural ability.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 03:43:20 PM by Kearn »

both communism and fascism are socialist subsets that call on the state to control everything and that actively hate and systematically kill the rich people in society, so you can't really say one is worse than the other

okay, fair enough. the khmer rouge and gulags were absolutely, 100% awful, and it appears i was misinformed. but the overall death toll is about 3.5 million. you want to do genocide olympics? Riddler's regime killed at least 11 million people in the holocaust. at least. that's the low estimate. high estimates are 20 million+.


okay, fair. i appear to have been mistaken.
i'm still going to argue that the holocaust was worse because i loving despise national socialists with a passion.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 03:44:10 PM by Gojira »

both communism and fascism are socialist subsets that call on the state to control everything and that actively hate and systematically kill the rich people in society, so you can't really say one is worse than the other
Right, if you stop at the idea alone, but take actions into account.

okay, fair enough. the khmer rouge and gulags were absolutely, 100% awful, and it appears i was misinformed. but the overall death toll is about 3.5 million. you want to do genocide olympics? Riddler's regime killed at least 11 million people in the holocaust. at least. that's the low estimate. high estimates are 20 million+.

I wasn't playing genocide olympics lol I was just pointing out that you were wrong