Author Topic: RogueType - An in-browser roguelike game (v2.1.3)  (Read 12713 times)

- On smaller displays, the game will now sacrifice layout to try and better fit the available screen space.
The layout now looks awesome on my browser, thanks for this update, really helps.

Also would it be possible to add a setting to change the music volume?

And one last thing - Can you recommend any good ASCII art programs?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 12:05:13 PM by Snaked_Snake »

Layout issue should be fully fixed now, sorry about that.

And one last thing - Can you recommend any good ASCII art programs?

any plans for the ungodly amount of useless items?
such as throwing identified harmful potions at enemies to inflict their effects on them (e.g. disintegrating potion will remove the enemy weapon when collided with them)

any plans for the ungodly amount of useless items?
such as throwing identified harmful potions at enemies to inflict their effects on them (e.g. disintegrating potion will remove the enemy weapon when collided with them)
You'll find that if you get far enough in the game, all those items become useful. Regardless, throwable potions is in the list of planned additions in the OP. I also plan to at some point make items stack in the inventory to greatly reduce the crampedness of it.

Edit: Also, since weapon curses should be in the next update; you'll soon have a very good reason to keep some disintegration potions around.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 06:08:20 AM by Pecon »

You have to employ a rather unorthodox strategy to kill the boss. When it gets the chance to enter the tile you're on, you die instantly. You have to figure out some way to repeatedly exhaust it, which should be somewhat obvious based on what you see as you enter the boss room... Like, perhaps an obvious mechanic that seems missing in the game has suddenly appeared to finally serve it's true purpose.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 12:44:04 PM by Pecon »

v1.5 is here.
- Having a boss stage on the map is no longer required. This enables map creators to opt for a map with no boss.
- Weapon enchantments and curses! Enchantments and curses can now be identified like potions, but you're probably not likely to run into two of the same thing.
- Many wordings have been updated.
- The Potion of Identification can now identify weapons, and it's chance to identify multiple items has been increased.
- Level Up Potion has been added, increases all player stats permanently and does not need to be identified. Only appears in the treasure drop table.
- Monsters now have a chance to drop items from the treasure drop table. (Needed because weapons are now expendable via enchantments)
- Moved the Bat weapon out of the treasure drop table since it's a pretty bad weapon. This means that monsters have a fair chance of dropping it.
- Added brass knuckles to acompany the Bat weapon in the standard drop table.
- Updated css to include a few nice animations (also adds a proper animation for fadeout when the game starts)
- Added title music, again by jazz cat!

man realizes he has hands

also the boss is honestly really annoying

I feel like it being an instant kill is just a tad bit too harsh considering it can follow you at the same speed while other mobs are flowing in trying to murder you at the same time.
what happened to me was I was being attacked by a skeleton and despite killing him, attempting to wait to regain my stamina afterwards didnt regain any.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 10:22:03 PM by Flatflyer »

man realizes he has hands
I've put in something that should fix this.

also the boss is honestly really annoying

I feel like it being an instant kill is just a tad bit too harsh considering it can follow you at the same speed while other mobs are flowing in trying to murder you at the same time.
what happened to me was I was being attacked by a skeleton and despite killing him, attempting to wait to regain my stamina afterwards didnt regain any.
I mean, being meticulous with your moves and planning ahead of the boss is kinda the whole point around beating it. You can still sometimes just be unlucky, but the whole genre is somewhat like that.

Edit: Hotfixed a bug that caused the world to generate incorrectly if you switched between different maps.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2018, 06:02:53 AM by Pecon »

bat dropped a bat, woo


forget em'

this is fun so im going to try to play this in class actually so wish me luck

ples distinct between closed and open door

ples distinct between closed and open door
That's... really something I should add. Next version.