Author Topic: [NEWS] "Patient dumping" in Baltimore  (Read 7387 times)

deus ex doesn't even care about this issue he just wants to have an argument with the libtards

You do nothing but stuff out potshots from your furry richard holster shut up

You do nothing but stuff out potshots from your furry richard holster shut up

He didn't deny it lol

He didn't deny it lol

I don't have to deny the Spaghetti Monster why would I deny this

You do nothing but stuff out potshots from your furry richard holster shut up
if arguing with you wasn't the most pointless thing imaginable I might

Public roads are not comparable to socialized healthcare you commie forgets

I will edit this post explaining why after this game of Halo Wars

Roads aren't as loving complicated as healthcare, people have different needs and different ailments so they need different services to be paid for and I shouldn't have to be paying for someone with higher costing services than me

A road is a road, literally all you do is maintain it by filling in potholes and stuff, it is not the same as taking care of a loving human being. Healthcare is not infrastructure, stop comparing the two, you all look like complete and total handicaps.

There will never be a time where government involvement in healthcare will be a good thing. No harm comes from government involvement in maintaining something as simple as a loving road. All of you shut up.
bluh bluh not every road is the same some are more expensive than others some have guardrails and some have more lanes and why should I have to pay for a road I'm NEVER going to use??
we get it you're talking out of your ass

The doctors are already trained in how to be doctors. All of the machines and specialists to treat these different ailments already exist. You're paying into the system along with everyone else who would have access to these doctors so that everyone can get better treatment.

The difference is that it'd be coming out of taxes rather than the patient's wallet.

lol are you expecting people to pay for their own healthcare??

And before you go and spit out any nonsense about healthcare being too expensive for taxes.

it is

Canada has a better healthcare system and pays less for it than the US. You guys just need to do it right this time.

canada is 10 times smaller and like 28% more homogeneous. let's not even talk about the superhospitals lol

A road is a road, literally all you do is maintain it by filling in potholes and stuff
Holy stuff and I thought the roads where I lived might have been bad.
But if all your city does is fill in potholes, then I feel sorry for anyone that has to live there.

Road maintenance isn't easy or cheap. At least, proper maintenance.

canada is 10 times smaller
and like 28% more homogeneous.

Literally people in the US choose not to get healthcare until their health deteriorates to a fatal state before going into a hospital... How can anyone defend such a stuff system? It's beyond me. Where I live taxes may be higher but i would have already been broke if my family or I had to pay out of pocket for our own healthcare.

And hey, even after taxes, I still have money to buy expensive stuff that I like.

Literally people in the US choose not to get healthcare until their health deteriorates to a fatal state before going into a hospital... How can anyone defend such a stuff system?
There is a small subset of conservatives who have arguable economic/pragmatic reasons to believe that a universal healthcare system wouldn't work in the US, and then there's the other eighty percent that either instinctively reject anything that even remotely resembles a 'socialist' policy, or just a general philosophy that it's toxic to human culture to sacrifice any labor for the benefit of someone outside their immediate family. Basically, just 'forget the poor, it's my money'.

Of course the irony here is that the majority of conservatives stand to benefit from universal healthcare. The rural, working-class conservatives in Midwestern states with sky-high rates of diabetes and heart-disease would receive far more benefit to their health and finances by subscribing to a single-payer system than they would ever get from avoiding a modest marginal increase to their income tax rate. My family wouldn't personally benefit from it, but I think it's a worthwhile sacrifice.

There are even fiscal reasons to support this idea. Having a sicker populace is a burden on taxpayers. If creating a single-payer system was able to drop the incidence of certain highly-expensive preventable diseases like breast cancer and heart disease, that would translate into literally hundreds of billions of dollars of new economic productivity. You could also expect the rates of people receiving disability payments to decrease, since they would be able to receive treatment before their condition develops into something that's permanently debilitating. Likewise, people might not be receiving welfare as much when they aren't draining their entire savings account every time they have a life-threatening emergency.

Does all of that not sound like something that conservatives could get behind?

bluh bluh not every road is the same some are more expensive than others some have guardrails and some have more lanes and why should I have to pay for a road I'm NEVER going to use??
we get it you're talking out of your ass

The doctors are already trained in how to be doctors. All of the machines and specialists to treat these different ailments already exist. You're paying into the system along with everyone else who would have access to these doctors so that everyone can get better treatment.


here we can see the conservitus maximus going super saiyan in his natural habitat

Do you own or rent your own home? Or do you contribute to your family's mortgage?

It's unjust to kick somebody out of the hospital in freezing temperatures. You should at least have some sympathy.
Welcome to capitalism

Idk if a homeless guy came into my business and couldn't pay for my services I would kick him out as well?

Money doesnt grow on trees.