Author Topic: What are your opinions, good and bad about the bl forums and the people on it?  (Read 9332 times)

i appreciate and care for anyone i see here on a daily basis

i really dislike the era of discord cliques and drama clans; the people in these cliques usually end up getting banned, but then returning 1 hour/1 week later with a fresh account because they can't for 1 second stop insulting someone on these forums. the worst offender of this is "Thot Patrol", everyone in that clan has the same attitude and makes the same loving joke
we're at the point where we're glorifying problem users who do dumb stuff frequently.
this place isn't at extreme toxicity levels, but it's slowly getting there as the actual cool people leave and the edgy kids who think ironic humour and Self Delete jokes are the funniest stuff in the world.
ya this too tbh :( but i think that whole "discord clique and drama clans" fad might be starting to die down a lil, or at least it seems like it to me. might just be wishful thinking tho
i appreciate and care for anyone i see here on a daily basis

i want to brown townly rape all of you

meh, a lot of pricks here

tbh though im glad i joined this hellhole because this game got me into modelling

The good people have gone. All that's left is nostalgia.

this place has made me like 10x more tolerent to insults in real life
in addition to me improving my weaknesses and only being unable to say no like half of the time i also just don't respond to what most people say to me that i don't like
i also want to leave but there's something so addicting and irreplacable about it that i can't quite understand
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 03:47:04 PM by Verification »

there are some pretty obnoxious people here and some people are just plain pricks but other than that, it's tolerable but it doesn't make it less toxic..

this place has made me like 10x more tolerent to insults in real life

1. i loving hate probably 90% of this forum and the only thing that keeps me here are like the twelve people i actually like. i think my whole problem with this place is that everyone here has probably overstayed their welcome. this game was made over a decade ago and the only reason you're still here is because you bought it over a decade ago
2. everyone is perma'd after one ban and have to either buy a new key or forget off
3. negative is completely subjective and too broad. are beachbum and zach in the same catergory? probably not
4. unadulterated grandstanding and moral superiority. you're not better than any of us, so forget off
5. i don't take this stuffhole seriously at all and people interpret that anyway they want

4. unadulterated grandstanding and moral superiority. you're not better than any of us, so forget off
is that why you're stuffting all over a platform which you post on ~20 times per day?

is that why you're stuffting all over a platform which you post on ~20 times per day?

detailing why i hate this place doesn't mean i think in better than the people here. i'm in the cesspool i hate

becoming something you hate isn't really uncommon anyways

pretty awful for an online building block game

1.What are your opinions, good and bad about the bl forums and the people on it?

2.If you could, what would be your approach to stop the bad behavior and encourage good behavior?

3.Do you flat out dislike people who display negative behavior, do you tend to forgive them, or are you indifferent?

4.What is some behavior that tends to get on your nerves the quickest?

5.Do you think that you are in anyway contributing to the negative or positive aspects of the forums? If yes, then how so?

edit: Should i lock this and move this to drama instead? In hindsight i think i should have posted there.

1) It's an outlet for socializing and good times just as much as it is an outlet for stupidity and toxicity. It's always been love/hate around here for lack of a better explanation.

2) Bans. That simple lol. Lotta people here think because there's no rule against unnecessarily being a cunt it's okay to unnecessarily be a cunt. Also if you're blatantly trolling and you've made it a habit then you gotta go lol. Any other forum that I've been a part of of gets rid of trolls and discussion and socialization is pretty damn great.

3) I tend to avoid them or try not to engage. Sometimes stuff makes my eyes roll out of my sockets and thats when i end up responding but I'm usually cool 5 minutes later.

4) Unnecessary hostility, stupid drama, unfunny memes that are spammed everywhere that just add nothing but more scrolling and navigating trying to read anything somewhat valuable or funny.

5) I try to stay positive and chill but i mean im nowhere near a magick mage or a gr8dayseth. There are times where ill blow up or get serious with someone but I wouldnt really call myself a negative asset on here.

detailing why i hate this place doesn't mean i think in better than the people here. i'm in the cesspool i hate
then leave lol
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 04:16:49 PM by Khaz »