Author Topic: unpopular opinion thread  (Read 11005 times)

jojo is ass solely due to its fanbase
this is true, all of them feel the need to screech unfunny jojo memes whenever they open their mouths

ska punk is the best punk sub-genre

to me jojo doesn't even classify as an anime in the "weeb" sense due to just how insanely different it is in every regard

HahA is thAt A joJo rEfereNcE????

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.

HahA is thAt A joJo rEfereNcE????

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.
friend u dont even know what that is

ska punk is the best punk sub-genre

Busted Knees and Applebees

HahA is thAt A joJo rEfereNcE????

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.
hey guys who's the best girl? Short blue hair autist who's also god lol or long red pigtails tourette's chick with mommy issues

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.
even if u accidentally posted this....... u should be able to see how wrong u r..

ska punk is the best punk sub-genre
amen amen amen amen

HahA is thAt A joJo rEfereNcE????

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.
everybody take a moment to appreciate that a fully grown adult just said this

HahA is thAt A joJo rEfereNcE????

Sorry but the only acceptable anime is NGE, losers.
jokes on you guys, i might be a huge forgetin loser who hates brown people, but im also unfunny and obnoxious

but im also unfunny and obnoxious

you're just now figuring this out?

red spy is MAD

inb4badspotcomicaboutangeronl ine