Author Topic: My emoitions are annoying my mind  (Read 3036 times)

I mean I did actually laugh when he prioritized getting a gf above all else and now that he tries brushing it off as a joke it kinda killed it for me, know what I mean?

i mean it was actually a joke though lol

this is why no one likes u
grow up
yall literally woulda said the same thing if nix didn't beat you to it

Renderman & Red Spy are living stuffposts, don't listen to em.
also, don't listen to a block forum about what to do in these situations

it was a meme lel
weren't you the guy that said 'i can't get a job because the interview questions were stupid'

weren't you the guy that said 'i can't get a job because the interview questions were stupid'

how is that relevant?

Renderman & Red Spy are living stuffposts, don't listen to em.
also, don't listen to a block forum about what to do in these situations
your a living embarrassment

Renderman & Red Spy are living stuffposts, don't listen to em.
also, don't listen to a block forum about what to do in these situations

you're right guys lets take the advice of a 13 year old autist with a transmission special interest instead

you're right guys lets take the advice of a 13 year old autist with a transmission special interest instead
aw did he strike a nerve ;( ( ( poor thing

are you feeling ok khaz

idk man you're being the extra cunt tonight

have a snickers

this is how i always act

you're right guys lets take the advice of a 13 year old autist with a transmission special interest instead
I get it, I took the joke too far OK


Renderman & Red Spy are living stuffposts, don't listen to em.
also, don't listen to a block forum about what to do in these situations
Look at the first page, it was full of good advice until people brought irrelevant drama to this topic. If all of you just wanna flame each other then take it to drama or some discord roasting server, not here lol. And everyone's aware of Renderman and Spy's shenanigans, don't feed trolls

what if you were the 18 year old and some 16 year old chatted you up

itd be weird. stay in school kiddies
Well not in this country, I've made out with someone 2 years older than me as said in the OP. I've known someone who was 18 and he went out with someone 21. There's nothing weird about a 2 year gap. There's a problem with a 18 year old going out with a 14 year old, that's illegal

Dreams_of_cheese give me some more advice please, you're actually really good at this