Author Topic: captin crunch cereal  (Read 32028 times)


Keep your garbage in it's own thread
Theres no national womens month thread sadly man
Times are tough
But you can make one and become a hero

Back on topic. Captain crunch cereal keeps plaguing threads with his research as if it's normal to share research on a public forum.


Back on topic. Captain crunch cereal keeps plaguing threads with his research as if it's normal to share research on a public forum.

he ban

also /support
How many times are you going to /support this drama

Back on topic. Captain crunch cereal keeps plaguing threads with his research as if it's normal to share research on a public forum.
it's not normal? since when


Dude's a total whackjob

explain this friendry immediately
dont call other people friends

explain this friendry immediately
its a meme. the original gif has the girl get skinned and disemboweled

its a meme. the original gif has the girl get skinned and disemboweled
how does this become a meme exactly