Author Topic: Private content, public release  (Read 31064 times)

Only if you take what I said out of the context of the situation, and who I actually am.

I already did the exercise of reading comments aloud, it should be obvious by now that I'm not an angry person.

Reading a 'negative' comment with anger or fear in your voice is gonna make it sound incrementally worse. I'm basically typing things out the same way I'd word them in person (but obv. in person I'd have a positive tone of voice and a positive facial expressions).

Plus, narcissism is actually a beta-personality characteristic. It has to do with self-hate and a desire for approval. If I was seeking your guys's approval, I'd never be anywhere near as blunt as I've been this whole time. I would've intentionally minded my words, to try to fit in. That's people pleasing, I don't even bother with that stuff.
see if you were an actual alpha and not a narcissist who masquerades as a beta, you wouldn't be posting at all. You go through great lengths to secure dominance over everyone here, either by saying you're better or by threatening users. That behavior in of itself is the most un-alpha like thing I've seen.

Alphas are secure and don't need to constantly seek out self validation by acting dominant; they are already dominant and have no need to brag about how powerful they are or how dominant their life is compared to others. That's the red flag of narcissism, and anything you say about how you're not narcissistic is completely imvalidated by your 20-30 brag posts.

If you're an actual alpha you'll basically have no need to violently prove how alpha you are. You'd basically ignore this entire post and others. However the fact that you feel compelled to respond to everyone and secure your dominance everywhere shows that you are naturally insecure

I'm not arguing, I'm dropping facts.

This is an indication of social ineptitude - re-framing social situations to suit your narrative.

"Everyone arguing with me is beta, but I'm not actually arguing, I'm posting facts!" is a middle-school level logic. How can you possibly be a ruff 'n tuff alpha if you aren't smart enough to best me in a verbal joust? Engarde!!

local man gets obliterated and still thinks hes better

I'm not arguing, I'm dropping facts.
you're justifying your needy narcissistic behavior by saying you're right, which just further solidifies the hunch.

Also Conan is the true alpha if we're using this farce of a system. He took the fall to provide us with content, put the time in to try and extend the branch to suit your requests and didn't back down when he felt you were being unreasonable before ultimately locking his topic because he was socially mature enough to recognize the dialogue was not going to go anywhere.

Conan is fifty times the man you'll never be Hata

has dis already been posted

Also Conan is the true alpha if we're using this farce of a system. He took the fall to provide us with content, put the time in to try and extend the branch to suit your requests and didn't back down when he felt you were being unreasonable before ultimately locking his topic because he was socially mature enough to recognize the dialogue was not going to go anywhere.

Conan is fifty times the man you'll never be Hata
hata keeps getting blown the forget out but hes always returning with the real facts... im starting to think hes the true chad here

I wonder who posted it...

really this is still going?

did anything i say in the last thread really not get to you and stick? you really seemed a bit more understanding but now you're just back to the same old stuff anyway

I already did the exercise of reading comments aloud, it should be obvious by now that I'm not an angry person.

Imagine feeling so threatened by a bunch of teenagers that you actually record a voice clip of yourself speaking to '''prove''' that you're not angry in an internet argument

That stuff was cringey as forget bro. Major beta move

see if you were an actual alpha and not a narcissist who masquerades as a beta, you wouldn't be posting at all. You go through great lengths to secure dominance over everyone here, either by saying you're better or by threatening users. That behavior in of itself is the most un-alpha like thing I've seen.

Alphas are secure and don't need to constantly seek out self validation by acting dominant; they are already dominant and have no need to brag about how powerful they are or how dominant their life is compared to others. That's the red flag of narcissism, and anything you say about how you're not narcissistic is completely imvalidated by your 20-30 brag posts.

If you're an actual alpha you'll basically have no need to violently prove how alpha you are. You'd basically ignore this entire post and others. However the fact that you feel compelled to respond to everyone and secure your dominance everywhere shows that you are naturally insecure

Well to be totally honest, you guys have terrible logic. Like the way you think things through, is so slow, inaccurate, and ineffective. That's what I called myself addressing with my responses. And another thing, I don't have any desire to be "right" personally.

That's a major difference between betas and alphas, the ability to admit to being wrong. I haven't admitted to being wrong here, cause I don't feel that I actually am. You guys are making stories up and jumping to conclusions.

Plus, if I find out that something I said or believed was inaccurate, I'll just change my belief right then and there. For you guys, you don't just want to say the right thing, you want to be right. Like, you attach your self-worth and ego to whatever it is you're saying. That's why there's an emotional investment for you in being wrong.

This 'argument' as you called it, is personal for you guys. For me it's not. That's why even in my video clip I was laughing. The stuff is hilarious to me.

i come back to this, holy stuff. what a legendary topic.

anyways just to clear up the argument that i modified my copy of grapple: i didn't. all i did was add sounds. you probably gave me the version without the fix in it. anyways, as you said and clarified with your pics of your code, its pretty trivial fix.

That's a major difference between betas and alphas, the ability to admit to being wrong. I haven't admitted to being wrong here, cause I don't feel that I actually am.

This quote really speaks for itself

Actually what hata is saying is somewhat right. The fact that we're responding to his self validation trolling is pretty beta behavior. By posting you're feeding his narcissistic behavior because you're proving him right

this dude has to be trolling

he cant seriously be arguing alpha vs beta on a lego forum