Author Topic: petition to ban officerzach  (Read 12366 times)

no tattletail fans allowed

i made an unfinished ytpmv using that video lol


Zack has been acting nothing short of a 5 year old. He does not belong here on the forums in any capacity.
He shows a lot of modeling potential being wasted by simply bitching as to how his modeling skill "isn't enough" to feed the masses.

Of loving course not. He spends more time crying as to what he did wrong as opposed to actually improving his skills.

He doesn't need a break. He needs to leave.



Zach has been acting nothing short of a 5 year old. He does not belong here on the forums in any capacity.
He shows a lot of modeling potential being wasted by simply bitching as to how his modeling skill "isn't enough" to feed the masses.

Of loving course not. He spends more time crying as to what he did wrong as opposed to actually improving his skills.

He doesn't need a break. He needs to leave.

he should leave for a year untill he matures and comes back.


1 word:



1 word:


we dont use those kind of mean words here

he should leave for a year untill he matures and comes back.

No don't come back zach

No don't come back zach
actually yeah its best that he shouldent. i was being too nice there.

tbh he shouldnt be allowed to make new threads because of how many he locks

This seems like a bunch of kids hating on a kid who's a little younger than they are; all of your neurotic bitching will amount to nothing anyway, Eric Hartman does not care about this forum or the spergs who refuse to leave it (including me). I understand that a child being stupid and confrontational is annoying, but that is where the conversation should end: it's annoying; When I was this kid's age I was worse and there's even evidence of it on this forum. What I'm trying to imply here is that he will grow up eventually with or without you people berating him.

So how about: Instead of promoting hatred for a child you direct your attention to subjects that actually deserve it, or maybe just complain about stuff actually relevant to this community i.e. Blockland Servers

This seems like a bunch of kids hating on a kid who's a little younger than they are; all of your neurotic bitching will amount to nothing anyway, Eric Hartman does not care about this forum or the spergs who refuse to leave it (including me). I understand that a child being stupid and confrontational is annoying, but that is where the conversation should end: it's annoying; When I was this kid's age I was worse and there's even evidence of it on this forum. What I'm trying to imply here is that he will grow up eventually with or without you people berating him.

So how about: Instead of promoting hatred for a child you direct your attention to subjects that actually deserve it, or maybe just complain about stuff actually relevant to this community i.e. Blockland Servers
i hope you realize there are people here who are actually giving good points as to why officerzach is a moron, and there ARE people who just want the best for him like pompmaker and so on, but officerzach has to continued to disappoint literally everyone by doing nothing to change the way he acts and continuing to lock threads over simplistic trolling and overreact to almost everything in his way. yeah yeah, the people who are le ebic trolling him aren't even better but officerzach himself continues to do the same bullstuff and the reasons people keep hating on him and making threads on him are for the same reason--he hasn't attempted to change and he keeps doing dumb stuff

This seems like a bunch of kids hating on a kid who's a little younger than they are; all of your neurotic bitching will amount to nothing anyway, Eric Hartman does not care about this forum or the spergs who refuse to leave it (including me). I understand that a child being stupid and confrontational is annoying, but that is where the conversation should end: it's annoying; When I was this kid's age I was worse and there's even evidence of it on this forum. What I'm trying to imply here is that he will grow up eventually with or without you people berating him.

So how about: Instead of promoting hatred for a child you direct your attention to subjects that actually deserve it, or maybe just complain about stuff actually relevant to this community i.e. Blockland Servers

Yeah, I'm at fault for being really mean to officerzach, and I'm at fault for that. I went out of my way to insult him for making a game that's basically his passion project.

As Tudoreleu stated:

this is like critiquing a 4 year old's scribbles in his parents' phonebook, cmon

I'm all for people improving their work, even if they aren't good. I've become a hypocrite and bashed someone who loves to draw, and feels like that his work is perfect to him. I was at the same level as officerzach when I was young. But I never gave up because I never stopped trying. And the people who inspired me to keep going wasn't a famous artist or a myself. It was the people who decided to say "good job!". These were my parents, my friends, family, and those who appreciated my work, even if it wasn't great.

I would like to share some advice for officerzach. I know he loves Doraemon and furbies (obsessively), and I know he loves to share it with the rest of the world, but if history has taught us anything, not everyone is going to let others in with open arms. The way officerzach has reacted to those who reject him has been problematic and very immature. He constantly insults others and tries to be as loud as he can, rather than "turning the other cheek". He has allowed for them to enter his mind and discover what triggers him the most, all for a good laugh. So my advice for Zach is either, to leave the forums for a period of time, because it seems that this place isn't healthy for him. There are plenty of other forums and websites that tolerate these franchises. Or he could leave furbies and doraemon out of these forums entirely. A lot of us have made it pretty clear that we don't want to be part of his fandoms or love what he likes. So for Doraemon's or his Furby's sake, leave them out, because forcing them further into a situation they cannot control themselves isn't helping their case. Trolls don't care about your feelings. They will get whatever they can to attack you directly and indirectly, because it's funny to them. There's a lot of people who want to ban you not because they hate you, but because they feel that your behavior is out of hand and needs to be improved upon. I hope you take my advice on these options, and I'm sorry I've treated you the way I did.