Author Topic: Zachs pokemon rant because why not  (Read 9979 times)

zach are you stuffposting or something

anyone who thinks pokemon or final fantasy or any game with any kind of terrible rpg battle where you mash A to win is handicapped
i think you missed a couple words there buddy

pokemon > doraemon
"god damnit, not again! someone has an opinion like a normal human would!"
-zach, probably

hi im late also shut up zach

preach it zach. pokemon is overrated garbage and it's not even fun.

nu-males who have never played a Pokemon game preach that Pokemon is bad

nu-males who have never played a Pokemon game preach that Pokemon is bad
and the majority of people who like it are furcigarettes who want to draw and fap to r34 of the animals

Oh my god zach... Don't say stuff like this dude... it HURTS peoples feelingss....

What if I told you furbyes suck.....

How would u feel...


Oh my god zach... Don't say stuff like this dude... it HURTS peoples feelingss....

What if I told you furbyes suck.....

How would u feel...

real talk though what kinda forgetin autist likes furbys

Oh my god zach... Don't say stuff like this dude... it HURTS peoples feelingss....

What if I told you furbyes suck.....

How would u feel...

dnt say that dood he'll send some angry death threat with a font size of like, 60 or something from your post!

real talk though what kinda forgetin autist likes furbys
13 year old biloveual girls and aspergers children