
What do you think about transgenders?

They are sick and inhuman
They're fine. Let them be what they want
I dont know..
im neutral

Author Topic: Blf, what do you think about transgenders?  (Read 27059 times)

Do you think the police shot this guy cause he/she was transgender cause that is unlikely. Him/Her being transgender has next to nothing to do with this.
I know the cop's mouth is censored but he's very clearly saying "these loving transgenders, can't wait to write 'i was scared' on the report!"

Transphobe get out of this thread.
Could have added more context

>american police
please don't insult our police officers like this, my uncle is an ex-cop and you disrespecting his dangerous job is distressing to me and my family, whom i have shown this post to, blue lives matter.

I know the cop's mouth is censored but he's very clearly saying "these loving transgenders, can't wait to write 'i was scared' on the report!"
I saw this after looking through some more reports. The few I read before posting didn't mention anything like this, but after watching the video its pretty damn clear. I kinda jumped the gun on the post so the blame is on me.

bumping the topic, a transgender was, again, harassed by the loving pigs in blue, holy stuff when will this stop..


>american police

beep beep outta the way truck of peace coming through

beep beep outta the way truck of peace coming through
not in my country

I'm trans but I honestly don't care, we're just people no matter how strange the others are

I'm trans but I honestly don't care, we're just people no matter how strange the others are
This isn't a hate thread or something but rather a question for all of those other users on here who have autism. For me it was around ten or eight years ago when i was still in elementary school, my mom noticed I was failing my classes and had me get a check up at a nearby health center. They found out i had ADHD as well as aspurgers (Haha it's pronounced ass burgers funnee joke) i was then put on medication and it totally forgeted me up and I still haven't recovered. But yeah it's kind of an odd story to be honest.

big think

I seriously regret being transgendered at times. It's a really nice concept at times that has really just amounted into more pain and stress than was worth my time. Not only that, but the fact that I will never look like a woman really bugs me. But that's not my worst issue with being trans, the real thorn in my side is trans-trenders, keyboard warriors and neon rawr xd trans people that believe that's what being transgender is all about. You can call me loving truscum or whatever the newest buzzword is for constantly segregating the LGBT and trans community, it's no more than a petty insult that is basically saying "I'm not owned, I'm not owned, I'm not owned." If you are truly transgendered, you more than likely have gender/body dysphoria. If you don't have it, then I don't know what the forget else to tell you. If you believe that gender is this long never ending list of categories, I have bad news for you. Being trans is not about being special or being socially accepted, it's a legitimate feeling for one's body and personality that is so vehement that it completely contradicts their love/assigned gender.

I've just been so pissed about how the vocal and popular figureheads for both sides treat trans people and I really needed to vent.
