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Author Topic: BLF plays Civilization V [Turn 16: The Wonders of Agriculture]  (Read 10314 times)

i vote for mass Self Delete in hopes of better lands in the afterlife

i vote for mass Self Delete in hopes of better lands in the afterlife
The monument is completed. We must coat it in blood in a mass ritual sacrifice. The gods will give us a new life.

oh god

not to fret, we can easily defend this island from land invasion if it comes to that. lets focus on coastal defense and small colonization of the island for rn

The decision on whether to commit mass genocide to please the RNG gods or to stay in our current situation will be decided tomorrow morning.

If the vote is a tie, it will be randomly decided.

The outcome has been chosen.

Our empire shall remain where it stands. Our position IS highly defensible.

Our capital shall also retain it's japanese translation for the name.

Through bleak lands we Rise

We have uncovered another source of Deer near our capital.
We have uncovered another source of Fish near our capital.
We have located some ancient ruins!

We are currently researching Pottery.

We have finished constructing the Monument.

If we train a Settler, we can expand our empire by founding a new city.
If we train a Worker, we can start improving tiles around our city.
If we train a Scout, it will have little purpose due to the fact we are on a quaint little arctic island.
If we train a Warrior, we will be more protected against potential barbarian attacks.

Military Orders
Our only military unit is a single Warrior.

This warrior is right next to ancient ruins. If we move them to it, we could be blessed with some valuable items or information.

Produce worker and grab those sweet ruins my man.

wow what a terrible start lmao. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to research some naval techs so that we can explore the coastline? If we’re lucky it could lead to a nearby landmass. (After we finish pottery ofc)

wow what a terrible start lmao. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to research some naval techs so that we can explore the coastline? If we’re lucky it could lead to a nearby landmass. (After we finish pottery ofc)
We should try to increase production, then GTFO.

Newfound Weapons

We have finished researching Pottery, which grants us the ability to construct the Granary.

Animal Husbandry will reveal Horses, and allow us to construct pastures around Cattle, sheep, and horses.
Archery will enable us to train Archers.
Mining will allow our workers to clear forests and construct Mines. Vital to enhancing production.
Sailing will enable our coastal cities to produce naval units, as well as construct the Great Lighthouse.
Calendar will enable our workers to construct Plantations, as well as build a Stone Works in our city. Furthermore, we'll be able to construct Stonehenge.
Writing will enable our cities to construct a Library, as well as construct the Great Library. Furthermore, it will allow us to make Open Border treaties with other civilizations.

We are currently training a Worker

Military Orders
Our warrior has upgraded to a Spearman thanks to weapons found in the ancient ruins!

What will we do with him?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 01:41:22 PM by lord techno »

Spearman: Go to that bottom point of the map where there is still hidden area close to the land.

Research Sailing.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 02:04:33 PM by SWAT One »

Our warrior has upgraded to a Spearman thanks to weapons found in the ancient ruins!

but yeah id go for sailing

also i highly recommend enabling some map ui options like yield and resource icons. i think its the scroll icon next to the map

Spearman: Go to that bottom point of the map where there is still hidden area close to the land.

Research Sailing.
Mining instead

uhhh no focus on writing. exploring with a naval melee unit early game isn't worth the the time. rush great library instead. not that we have like any production but the ai don't give stuff

I'm not sure if writing is worth it here. in the tundra we don't have much food, so the science we get out of our population via library will be slim. I think the way to go is mining then sailing, so we can pump out loads of seamen into the ocean later in the game.