Author Topic: avengers infinity war spoilers thread (uncensored, so)  (Read 4292 times)

An infinite population with infinite energy and resources can only make more suffering.
the population will never be infinite. however, resources nearly are. space isn't even an issue. first of all the milky way alone is unimaginably vast. you really just have no idea. aside from that, if the time ever came, there are, as far as we know, practically infinite galaxies in the universe to expand into. with the infinity stones these distances are nothing

the movie was honestly kinda stuff. not because people died but because the entire movie revolved around the universe's most talented heroes being forgetups
the only part of the movie that peaked my interest as being special was the fact that thanos was actually the protagonist of the story

the population will never be infinite. however, resources nearly are. space isn't even an issue. first of all the milky way alone is unimaginably vast. you really just have no idea. aside from that, if the time ever came, there are, as far as we know, practically infinite galaxies in the universe to expand into. with the infinity stones these distances are nothing
I never said space would be an issue. I'm seeing the population relationship with resources and suffering (basically anti-utility) from a simplified model stand point, as that would be how Thanos would see it and its more complicated than that. Population is proportional to resources and suffering. Population will increase until it will consume more resources than it can produce and reach max suffering where it will inevitably fall. As population increases, suffering increases too due to the increase in free will actors that will cause harm to others (greed, war, prejudice, anger, etc). Thanos' goal is the preservation of life, not the proliferation, to stop the inevitable mass extinction event that will eradicate all of the population as a result of an unchecked population.

because the entire movie revolved around the universe's most talented heroes being forgetups
Wouldn't say it was like that. They did a decent job given the circumstances and would've been able to take away the gauntlet from Thanos successfully if Quill wasn't dumb and pissed him off before they did.

pretty sure captain marvel is gonna get control of the time stone or some stuff, revert everything that happened, and be chillin
i personally thought the movie was fukin amazing, and i feel like every plothole can kinda just be fixed with "he has the infinity gauntlet, he can do whatever the forget he wants"

like u know when u think about it thanos shouldnt have been able to snap in the infinity gauntlet cause u know the snap itself is created from the skin hitting ya skiN AHH YKNOW WHAT IM SAYIN
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 11:50:37 PM by Unwritten Calender »

like u know when u think about it thanos shouldnt have been able to snap in the infinity gauntlet cause u know the snap itself is created from the skin hitting ya skiN AHH YKNOW WHAT IM SAYIN

reality stone rewrote reality to make snapping with the gloves possible ez

reality stone rewrote reality to make snapping with the gloves possible ez
thats what im sayinnn thats why plotholes can be just fixed bc he's god!!

just saw the movie

they could have easily defeated/stopped thanos had they not succumbed to their emotions (eg. starlord punching thanos causing him to regain control, wanda not destroying vision's stone earlier due to her hesitation and attachment to him).

honestly the ending is all starlord's fault. if he had not punched thanos they could've had enough time to grab that dang gauntlet off his hand and take him out for good.

just saw the movie

they could have easily defeated/stopped thanos had they not succumbed to their emotions (eg. starlord punching thanos causing him to regain control, wanda not destroying vision's stone earlier due to her hesitation and attachment to him).

honestly the ending is all starlord's fault. if he had not punched thanos they could've had enough time to grab that dang gauntlet off his hand and take him out for good.
doctor strange knew he was going to do that - he saw all possible futures, and apparently losing in the short term was the only way to win in the long term

but yeah wanda really loving pissed me off in this movie, she valued the life of one person who was willing to sacrifice himself over loving trillions
and don't give me any of that "trading lives" bullstuff, in trying to remove the stone safely, tons of wakandan soldiers died in the battle
that seems like trading lives to me

doctor strange knew he was going to do that - he saw all possible futures, and apparently losing in the short term was the only way to win in the long term

but yeah wanda really loving pissed me off in this movie, she valued the life of one person who was willing to sacrifice himself over loving trillions
and don't give me any of that "trading lives" bullstuff, in trying to remove the stone safely, tons of wakandan soldiers died in the battle
that seems like trading lives to me
its especially ironic considering what wanda's brother quicksilver did to protect innocents (giving his own life) in sokovia and she witnessed this yet she doesnt take a single hint from her brother and acts so incredibly selfish in infinity war when the stakes are 1000% higher
bet quicksilver is rolling in his grave
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 02:05:02 AM by Planr »

swear to god in infinity part two Stark is going to play a key role, why else would Doctor Strange give up the one thing They were trying to protect away to keep Tony alive? They barely know each other.

"can't turn off the laws of thermodynamics" my ass. where does the energy for the stones come from? every one of them would require substantial amounts. the power stone in particular
swear to god in infinity part two Stark is going to play a key role
nobody in the history of humanity has ever made a safer bet
why else would Doctor Strange give up the one thing They were trying to protect away to keep Tony alive? They barely know each other.
it could just mean he was there and that's it. if stark was present in the single outcome that leads to their victory, then stark must be present, period. he doesn't necessarily have to do anything but sit on his ass, but he has to be there

It's a pretty basic principle to follow I thought. He's against overpopulation due to what happened on Titan, so he wants to cull half the universe. What's not to get?
LOL the dude is god, if there were too many people on titan he could simply just make the loving planet bigger and like cblock360 said wish for more resources
« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 08:46:43 PM by cooolguy32 »

where are the x-men in infinity war