Author Topic: doomguy has a voice  (Read 1870 times)


left in the quake 3: revolution game files (the ps2 q3 port)


"Well if it isn't my old friend, mister swiss cheese"

"Where's the freakin' red key card?"

"Your Momma slaps harder then that."

« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 10:31:30 PM by GreenBH³ »

Her: doom guy come over im alone and my parents arent here
Me: Sorry i cant im on mars
Her: i also have a red key card

« Last Edit: May 17, 2018, 04:58:08 PM by thegoodperry »

he sounds like harman smith

my favorite doomguy quote is "AaaAuUUagh"

What a lame voice honestly, I expected something like John aka Sierra 117's voice

Huh. I expected him to have a much deeper voice than this.

he should sound like a bootleg duke nukem

Why does he sound like G-Man?  I expected a gruff voice.

Sounds like Ranger from quake champions.

Guess they decided to leave doom guy silent and ranger more vocal

Look up ranger from quake champions. The way they talk is similar

Look up ranger from quake champions. The way they talk is similar

He probably has lines himself in this too, as there's also more leftover lines from other characters.