Author Topic: King Tony - over-reacting/stuffty troll/unneeded political threads  (Read 46566 times)

So I can't reply to them being sarcastic? k.
this seems like it would be obvious to most people, don't take jokes seriously

i was against this thread originally but pomp has brought up some great points
i really like tony but what pomp said is very recognizable

but if you're going to say things like that, why not reply to every part of people's post?

So you want me to pull a blockchip and quote and reply to every loving sentence?

i'm not going to try to argue about people's communicative styles with you

This is me.

instead of cherry-picking the things you can lash out at and ignoring the parts which you don't want to acknowledge

Being a blockchip.

tl:dr reply to the whole post and you won't sound like a cornered bitch

Making sure I reply to every damn sentence possible to not offend to BL community.

don't take jokes seriously

I will try next time sir to not take a joke seriously.

I'm sorry that I took a joke seriously, it will never happen again.

When you type out a long ass paragraph and expect me to reply to every word that sounds kinda narcissistic.

There is no rule enforcing me to respond to an entire wall of texts.

I should be able to pick and choose.

as much as a tony drama is needed it's really pointless in the end. he's just going to keep doing what people don't like just because they don't like said things


Maybe you have a point there.

Picking and choosing what to respond to is wrong.

Anyways I find this funny.


Because blockchip makes sure to literally respond to every damn sentence and people lash out at him for it.

I choose not to respond to every damn sentence and people lash out at me for it.

So where is the middleground?

This is me.

Being a blockchip.

Making sure I reply to every damn sentence possible to not offend to BL community.
blockchip's issue was not that he replied to everything, it was his attitude and viewpoints and general narcissistic behavior.

I will try next time sir to not take a joke seriously.

I'm sorry that I took a joke seriously, it will never happen again.
you need to remember that people include jokes in otherwise serious posts to lighten the mood, if you treat those like parts of the post you're missing the point
When you type out a long ass paragraph and expect me to reply to every word that sounds kinda narcissistic.

There is no rule enforcing me to respond to an entire wall of texts.

I should be able to pick and choose.
is it really that hard to give a reply to each of the 3-4 points given by one person in a post? either reply to the whole post or don't reply to the post at all, don't half-ass it. you're disregarding the effort put in by people in presenting their points to you if you ignore half their points.

you need to remember that people include jokes in otherwise serious posts to lighten the mood, if you treat those like parts of the post you're missing the point

If you want to make a point then make your point.

Don't get mad at me the loving conversation got sidetracked over your little joke to lighten the mood. It's your fault it got sidetracked.

I should not be held accountable to responding to someone's sarcastic post.

If they wanted their point to be made they should have made it.

To quote Ms. Swan from MadTV

Say what you mean, mean what you say.

ok, i'll stop doing that, i'll also pass the message along to everyone else I know.

and where's the reply to the other points in my post?

and where's the reply to the other points in my post?

why is it such a big deal to you

why is it such a big deal to you
you're right, it isn't, i'll stop pressing the issue