Author Topic: King Tony - over-reacting/stuffty troll/unneeded political threads  (Read 48890 times)

Why are you baiting?
the liberal sjw elite are at it again

new executive order soon?

Guys a reliable source told me that a group of creepphilic low income liberal southerners with boner trains colluded with the USSSR and North Korea to turn the American Pig Frog homoloveual with advanced nuclear radiation targeted towards the snake, slowly killing off the population of frogs to destabilize our ecosystem to eventually cause extinction to the supreme race of American Leaders and Annoying Orange Followers while selling children to Bill Gates.

I learned this through the wisdom of our beloved tinfoil-caped Lord Tony.

OT: /support, stop being dismissive and go outside

Guys a reliable source told me that a group of creepphilic low income liberal southerners with boner trains colluded with the USSSR and North Korea to turn the American Pig Frog homoloveual with advanced nuclear radiation targeted towards the snake, slowly killing off the population of frogs to destabilize our ecosystem to eventually cause extinction to the supreme race of American Leaders and Annoying Orange Followers while selling children to Bill Gates.

Double post but whenever I see Lord Tony post I just see Chuck from Better Call Saul with his tinfoil cape

its been years since tony has been trolling and people STILL fall for his bait. every. single. time.

its been years since tony has been trolling and people STILL fall for his bait. every. single. time.

And for years I've yet to see evidence to the conclusion that Tony is just a troll. Sure I believe that some of it is just his pissing into the wind, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find evidence that Tony ISN'T some handicapped faux-satanist who harbors an obsession with My Little Pony and Donald Annoying Orange (or just a hatred for anything remotely resembling left-ideology).

And for years I've yet to see evidence to the conclusion that Tony is just a troll. Sure I believe that some of it is just his pissing into the wind, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to find evidence that Tony ISN'T some handicapped faux-satanist who harbors an obsession with My Little Pony and Donald Annoying Orange (or just a hatred for anything remotely resembling left-ideology).
He legit only acts like this on the forums.

In-game, in personal chats, and anywhere else he acts different.

He legit only acts like this on the forums.

In-game, in personal chats, and anywhere else he acts different.

and the recent topics he makes give it away too easily unless if the philosophical question is still brought into play:

A philosophical question: If you're pretending to be handicapped all the time, are you really pretending anymore?

i forgot to include the author saying it's from badspot but the topic's too old to quote on

i forgot to include the author saying it's from badspot but the topic's too old to quote on
Quote the post then in the URL there should be all the information you need to set the quote up manually.


and the recent topics he makes give it away too easily unless if the philosophical question is still brought into play:

But what I said literally doesn't fall under that because it's not "all the time".

its been years since tony has been trolling and people STILL fall for his bait. every. single. time.
it's not so much the extent to which people fall for it as much as it is that after all these years he still loving sucks at trolling

it's not so much the extent to which people fall for it as much as it is that after all these years he still loving sucks at trolling

 :cookieMonster: lol

it's not so much the extent to which people fall for it as much as it is that after all these years he still loving sucks at trolling
if he sucked at trolling why would he be doing it for years?????????????????????