
r u un-straight

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42 (58.3%)

Total Members Voted: 72

Author Topic: Lgbtq+ month ya gay forgets (request gay avatars here)  (Read 23371 times)

what the forget does the q and + mean
Lesbian, gay, biloveual, trans, queer, other

what the forget does the q and + mean
queer and more

edit: Feck u lightning fast...
« Last Edit: June 01, 2018, 02:59:22 PM by c[_] »

I remember when queer wasn't a socially acceptable term to use


Yep, this one is going in my cringe comp
do you want a custom one because ill make a custom one, just for you, you provide the image and ill do the deed

do you want a custom one because ill make a custom one, just for you, you provide the image and ill do the deed

Here ya go, gay this stuff up my dude

Reminder that LGBTQ and gay pride awareness are both government engineered programs to hasten the transmission of AIDS and HIV. 7 in 8 people in America have a loveually transmitted disease.

i found this awesome black ops 3 discord server

i really wanted to get this dnd shirt in a tank but the fundraiser is over and i missed my chance to get one

I copped one

you mean just now or previously? if the latter how's the print quality? im not aware with how customink or whoever does their stuff

They don't ship until the 11th of June so we shall wait. Also, I ordered one a few weeks ago