Author Topic: is anyone planning on doing new years this year?  (Read 4894 times)

i would totally be up for doing new years this year

this is one of the worst excuses for not releasing a build i've ever seen

you guys had a dead line to finish your server, did not meet it, and hosted anyway with an 'unfinished' build.(which invalidates the community not "deserving" it entirely). Now its been 6 months and your group still has not come through. Its funny that even so long after the server has closed the mismanagement is still so apparent. This is a creation game at its core, so why not post what you have and let the community finish it for you?

We're all busy and doing what we can in our spare time. None of us want to release an unfinished build because that's not getting the closure to the project we're doing for fun. If you don't like that, that's your problem.

Yeah, we didn't meet the deadline and hosted an unfinished build. Literally nobody in the staff was happy or comfortable with this, but people still had a blast and that's all that matters. If this isn't good enough for you, well, none of this was ~for you~

this is one of the worst excuses for not releasing a build i've ever seen

you guys had a dead line to finish your server, did not meet it, and hosted anyway with an 'unfinished' build.(which invalidates the community not "deserving" it entirely). Now its been 6 months and your group still has not come through. Its funny that even so long after the server has closed the mismanagement is still so apparent. This is a creation game at its core, so why not post what you have and let the community finish it for you?

Considering it was hosted and met with a good reception, despite the fact that it looks like almost all the bloody forums hates the Clique because they didn't get their pass into the group.

They're new years have been alright. My only complaint with this one was that Family Feud never happened. However, that wasn't their fault, that was a snow storm knocking out a certain someone's internet and stopping them from doing new years.

Also, there's quite a few people who would rather finish the build themselves than let someone else do it for them. I'm sure the Clique wouldn't exactly mind that though, but even if this is a building game, it's their creation that would be finished by someone else's design, and everyone builds differently. You can always try replicating, but it'll never be the same.

how about i just open up a stuffty dedicated server where you guys can spam stuff in

Considering it was hosted and met with a good reception
it wasnt met with a good reception people loving teared it apart because there really wasnt anything to do besides explore the map
as a matter of fact both servers were kinda boring i ended up spending my new years playing mgsv

« Last Edit: June 08, 2018, 11:36:59 PM by Tezuni 2.0 »