Author Topic: [NEWS] XXXTentacion has been shot dead in Miami (one suspect found)  (Read 25414 times)

did you come in here and see the words white knight and feel the need to retaliate with some nonsensical bullstuff?
if you think that's nonsensical i really hope you get the help you need man
sure as forget sounds like it considering you haven't read any of the arguments prior. log out deadass smoothbrain
arguments? you mean the stuffflinging barrage upon being told cheering for a murder might be a bad thing to do?

so how did you idiots manage to derail what i initally said into an argument of the morality of whether or not a piece of stuff deserved what he reckoned?
i'm sorry but there's gotta be something genuinely wrong with you if you don't understand how something like this
good. stuffty rapper and ultimately a stuffty person.
is gonna stir up stuff

i'm sorry but there's gotta be something genuinely wrong with you if you don't understand how something like this  is gonna stir up stuff
that initial statement didn't stir anything up. i even provided proof in my last post. this statement alone proves you're thick and don't have a grasp on reading.

you're just as handicapped as hootaloo lol.

you're a deadass smoothbrain if you think "people shouldn't be happy that someone got murdered out of loving nowhere" is white knighting
It's all just opinions, feel free to tell me I'm wrong - I'll take it on the chin lol

you're a deadass
only whiteboys from american suburbia say deadass especially if they've got an anime avatar forget off pikey

high quality edgelords itt

Ceist literally the entire thread’s length is because people said the exact same thing you did. All you’re doing is stirring the pot. You must not be able to read either.

Ceist literally the entire thread’s length is because people said the exact same thing you did. All you’re doing is stirring the pot. You must not be able to read either.

Funny that the people defending KIATentacion are the biggests cigarettes in blockland

eholt comes back to explain to everyone why he doesn't care, continuing to post in the thread

Funny that the people defending KIATentacion are the biggests cigarettes in blockland

can you stop already

white knights everywhere.

Why the heck are you going to extreme lengths to argue about this? You're taking this way more personally than hootaloo is

only whiteboys from american suburbia say deadass especially if they've got an anime avatar forget off pikey
only someone from europe would deadass say something so damn stupid

only whiteboys from american suburbia say deadass especially if they've got an anime avatar forget off pikey
atleast he can afford one

those things are expensive u know