
Whre did they go?

7 (63.6%)
4 (36.4%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: Where did BLM go?  (Read 3389 times)

Hurrrr I followed BLM now I'll hear about them!

If I don't hear about them from sources I don't follow then they are no longer relevant.

the only things that count are grassroots right wing alternative news sites

You're loving telling me that I will hear about BLM if I follow them on twitter or facebook.

WELL NO stuff!

But I was hearing about BLM without following them back when they were loving relevant.

You can't loving sit here and tell me BLM is relevant but only if I follow them. lol

I hear about antifa all the time without following their stupid ass facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.

you killed them all, admit it

social media don't count.
u kno what i told u about media in that same post, that covers everything, sorry ur wrong mate u cant *think* blm away

also i dont have to go in about why saying "social media don't count." is absolutely handicapped when talking about a activist movement, right?

also i dont have to go in about why saying "social media don't count." is absolutely handicapped when talking about a activist movement, right?

I don't have to follow Annoying Orange on twitter to hear about Annoying Orange.

The same can't be said for BLM.

I don't even hear about BLM from sources I do follow like tucker, PJW, shoe on head, Milo, etc.

But if I follow the black lives matter facebook page YEAH NO loving stuff I'LL HEAR ABOUT THEM.

If I can only hear about BLM from following them directly then they aren't loving relevant anymore.

I don't have to follow Annoying Orange on twitter to hear about Annoying Orange.

The same can't be said for BLM.
wow what an brown townogy

If I can only hear about [blank] from following them directly then they aren't loving relevant anymore.
i replaced BLM with blank so you can maybe get a grasp of how handicapped this post is, like this is YT comment tier

You can't loving tell me BLM is relevant when I only hear about them when I directly loving follow them.

That's called a loving echo chamber.

Talk to me again when MSM covers BLM.