Author Topic: Blockland Content Creators [Discord]  (Read 8693 times)

Good reply, ignore the rest of the argument and instead focus on 'you're bedpost'. As I said I don't believe I should be banned. Please read the post.
well you're a known troll and absolute forum spaz so nothing you say has any merit whatsoever

well you're a known troll and absolute forum spaz so nothing you say has any merit whatsoever
Same could be said about you but oh well forget me instead

Same could be said about you but oh well forget me instead
the difference is that five years have passed since then and I've showed everyone I'm no longer a malicious cunt. Sure when I first came back people still hated me but I forgetin deserved to be hated for what I did so I took that stuff without complaining and showed people that I was different. I could still hack any day but I put an end to that stuff not because I was pressured or required but because I wanted to stop and I didn't want to seek negative attention from people

So far you haven't done much to show us you changed. and coming at me when you have absolutely no ground for support is loving stupid
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 07:34:12 PM by thegoodperry »

What bothered me was the stance on any evidence remotely pointing towards a user or IP being behind the attack from Badspot himself or otherwise being called "finger pointing". I understand that this was an attempt to keep people from going on witch hunts, but when you have a space set up to talk about whats going on and you're actively removing discussion on the attack or what Badspot is reporting, I stop seeing value in that space existing at all.

It just seems kind of stuffty to set up a space to talk about a subject and then moderate what people can say about it especially when that information is coming from a credible source.
we only have a channel like that to prevent it spilling over into the main general channel. a lot of people in that discord couldn't give a single stuff about the forums and a lot of people will have that channel muted the second it's opened and/or becomes active.
if you feel like the channel ends up having no value at all (which it hardly does), then again, just mute it. it's not the main focus of the discord at all.

i'm sticking by the "no finger pointing" rule as i don't want witch hunts started in that discord. i don't want to be the one responsible for letting it happen in case accusations end up false, and i know the rest of the staff feel the same way.
we let major drama be discussed in there so long as whatever is being discussed isn't specifically targeted at someone, even if it's just an IP or "who's the guy doing the ddos" or something.

The discord is too strict on having drama involved, and for me to get warned for just jokingly tell people to shut up which counted to my ultimatum when I found old stuff on another user led to my ban is already showing that the administrators in question cannot handle things at all. I do admit, I have used an alt so I do not believe I should be unbanned because apparently using an alt is a crime against humanity. I can see that Conan has a good server and good intentions but already, the following has happened
you also attempted to start drama according to the emboldened part of that quote and then attempted to avoid it by using an alternate discord account, which im going to guess since you were banned again, attempted to start drama on it as well (EDIT: was told you came back and immediately advertised your burning man thread). shouldn't be hard to hide an alt account if you just keep your mouth shut and use a different completely unrelated name/avatar.
if you want to discuss drama, there's this whole category for it in case you never knew. i find the petty stuff irritating and i like it away from this discord.

Who is being encouraged to spam a forum? 4chan? le reddit army? etc? Nobody is going to bomb a forum because they're encouraged to do so, and Blockland Drama is the only reason why the forum gets bombed in the first place.
big think

If people are leaving a discord because of how things are mishandled, you know something is wrong and you should look into reform.
17 people have joined and stayed in the past 7 days.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 07:45:37 PM by TheBlackParrot »

thank goodness there's the no drama rule honestly, it's a much more tolerable place with it

the tl;dr of the entire thing is that if you can't control yourself from attacking or trying to attack someone directly (whether or not you know them/can name them), you aren't welcome on the server. although personal attacks and drama and the like is allowed on the forums, that doesnt mean that its a good thing to have on every blockland-related subgroup.

bedpost, the issue isn't that you are a person that creates drama. the issue is that you create/talk about it on the server, despite repeated requests to stop. i'm pretty sure most of the moderators agree that only in extreme cases will anyone seriously call for a ban on someone that hasn't broken any rules on the server repeatedly.

Wow? Talking about Badspot accidentally taking down the stuffty webserver acidentally and having it immediately fixed of a forum software via filtering and being told I can't talk about it, stopping and posting a meme and then 30 minutes later I get banned and pmed by electrk? Permanantly? And then being TOLD OFF because I was apparently going to TARGET the creator of the game's webserver? Wow.

It was even LINKED in the server and not deleted. Why would anyone want to attack badspot's webserver? It's literally handicapped after he and SMF said it was a webserver problem and not a problem with SMF. We filter stuff all the time. That's literally autistic.

Wow? Talking about Badspot accidentally taking down the stuffty webserver acidentally and having it immediately fixed of a forum software via filtering and being told I can't talk about it, stopping and posting a meme and then 30 minutes later I get banned and pmed by electrk? Permanantly? And then being TOLD OFF because I was apparently going to TARGET the creator of the game's webserver? Wow.
The "meme" you posted that resulted in your ban was a grimsack emoji, which violates a couple of rules, including no nsfw stuff and no personal attacks/drama. im not sure what you mean by the rest of the post cause i cant tell if "stuffty webserver" refers to the smf official forums or some other thing

No it wasn't. I was warned for the grimsack emoji and the meme I posted was entirely seperate and hours earlier. stuffty webserver means SMF forums which was fixed immediately after so we literally cant do anything to any forums so the point of censoring posts about it was moot. Stop cherrypicking your damn stuffty arguments for your server

well i talked with the staff group and they confirmed it was the grimsack emoji - bans generally are talked about prior to going through, so even though its not your last post prior to your ban, it was the reason for it.

dont pretend you were an innocent member on BCC - on multiple occasions you pushed the rules and received warnings for them. if you have a beef with certain policies you should have taken it to dm's instead of fight back on the public channel.

there's no cherrypicking involved, either. you either broke the rules or you didn't, im not sure how i'd be able to "cherrypick" the incidents where you defied moderator authority or broke the rules in any way other than in support of your ban.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 08:35:56 PM by Conan »

that was a kick and i was allowed to join back. i got banned for something else
staff are handicapped or trying to protect themself and ive broken the rules twice
you dont have to respond anymore because you have already shown that you are absolutely lying because i was BANNED for something seperate entirely

guess it figures that the drama-free server's thread on the forums would get drama huh

that was a kick and i was allowed to join back. i got banned for something else
staff are handicapped or trying to protect themself and ive broken the rules twice
you dont have to respond anymore because you have already shown that you are absolutely lying because i was BANNED for something seperate entirely
the way you're handling this is incredibly childish, you clearly have no ability to discuss things in a private adult manner which would be the ideal way of having a ban lifted in any scenario, rather than trying to make a big drama event out of it