Author Topic: [NEWS} No Mans Sky NEXT is out right now! - REAL MULTIPLAYER  (Read 1901 times)

Do you lose anything when you die? Can players shoot your ship from the ground if they can't get to their ship?

Yes you lose mostly everything but you can loot your corpse.

Players can shoot your ship with their mining blaster

Mining laser does like no damage, better use boltcaster.

Your ship can get forgeted just for being in park so someone could fly over and completely wreck it.

Maybe they should make parked vehicles be intangible until the owner gets in it

There's even comments like "This is the worst multiplayer I've seen in a game" Four players teaming up for co-op is the worst multiplayer? Rip Left 4 Dead amirite?
well you see the difference is l4d isn't trash like NMS

When you kill someone it's basically gta online rules. They respawn near the spot they died at,

So I can keep killing them over and over.

They repair their ship and I break it again.
They should give you the option to choose where to spawn to be honest. Endless spawnkilling is just bad game design.

But hey, I was thinking of playing permadeath. So I guess this wouldn't be an issue. If I kill someone, they're dead forever. If I'm killed, I'm dead forever.

new types of planets added, some even have rings.

I even found a planet that was 100% rock only.

I even found a planet that was 100% rock only.
what a dumb planet

pioneers used to ride them all the time