Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Annoying Orange Administration Activates Scum Mode on transmissions  (Read 16534 times)

yea but i said a lot about my real life and the things i think about. there's no one really in my life right now that knows about the things i have just mentioned

there's no one in my life right now period.

there's no one in my life right now period.
Well now you have the forums, so whats happening champ?

there's no one in my life right now period.
You have your anime

Well now you have the forums, so whats happening champ?

trying to find my dream job and whatever adults do, but I have to get my Blockland fix.

You have your anime

I haven't watched anime in years though.

the people here saying therapy is a waste of time probably would benefit the most from it lmfao

I got therapy when I was a kid but I don't know if it helped so

therapy is a waste of time
Smh dude really? Therapy saves lives.

If you separate Therapist you get The rapist

I think Ike is having a stroke I'm calling 911

the people here saying therapy is a waste of time probably would benefit the most from it lmfao
Im not entirely sure if counselling and therapy are alike but I tried out counselling and they managed to anger me so much in the one session that I just stopped going