Author Topic: what is everyone's experiences with wisdom teeth?  (Read 2971 times)

I'm curious because I thought by 23 if they hadn't come in they weren't going to, but now I'm not sure, It feel like they could be, I think there's plenty of room for them to grow in but it just seems weird potentially having new teeth at this point.

I got mine at 8 years old, had them since, nothing wrong with the way they grew but they're shorter than the rest of my molars.

my mouth is so messed up that my wisdom teeth have yet to actually hurt me

I got 3 of 4 removed over the summer. 4th is serving as a replacement for the molar that I had to get pulled. It felt really uncomfortable, and the stitches made me constantly feel like there was a hair in my mouth.

got all 4 of them taken out before 9th grade

Am halfway through 17 but am having zero issues with my wisdom teeth and I can barely even notice them under my gums

I do need braces sometime this or next year tho

ok I'm hopping it was just part of a popcorn kernel.

I got 3 of 4 removed over the summer. 4th is serving as a replacement for the molar that I had to get pulled. It felt really uncomfortable, and the stitches made me constantly feel like there was a hair in my mouth.

that sounds terrible :C

i chose to get them removed the summer after i graduated high school. decided i didnt want to deal with them causing me problems later on so it was a preventative measure.

i feel i made the right decision cause its 3+ years later now and my teeth feel fine and my gumline isnt crowded

got them removed one by one in the span of like 2 weeks, was absolutely no problem. my friend was born without, bastard
 had to get stitches for only one, the stitches didnt hurt or anything but they stayed longer than they were welcome.
im not afraid of needles if i dont see them, so the anesthesia prick in my gums wasnt a big deal either, two of my wisdom teeth needed two anesthesia pricks, i couldnt feel anything on the lower half of my face lol.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 06:33:01 AM by hootaloo »

bottom two got removed and the top two grew in alright

 All 4 of mine grew in just fine. I have no need for removal because I had a good orthodontist when I was growing up and had braces.

Dentist said mine were growing in but they most likely won't cause a problem

i had enough room in my mouth for my wisdom teeth to fully grow but my dentist decided to get them removed just to be safe

I got an infection afterwards and my mouth swelled for 2 weeks and I had pus leaking out of my holes for a while.

but after getting on antibiotics it went away and healed up pretty nicely.

Teeth Lives Matter which is why I refuse to remove mine

ill have to get mine out within the next few months so that’ll be a loving blast won’t it