Author Topic: yellow vests: paris is blowing up, france is angry  (Read 10562 times)

Europe as a whole seems like it's a loving mess honestly

Europe as a whole seems like it's a loving mess honestly
The globalist union is falling to pieces.

down with the liberals anarchy rules

Il y a tout ce que vous voulez aux Champs-Elysées

god damn the french know how to party

the government raised fuel taxes. basically baguette libertarians wearing vests
so they're going to destroy europe over fuel taxes
i will never understand anything politics related

so they're going to destroy europe over fuel taxes
i will never understand anything politics related
Larger taxes for fuels forces families to be unable to pay for gas because they cannot afford it. Getting from one place to another as fast as possible is a huge deal, because this can range from taking families to school, going shopping to get supplies, fueling construction vehicles, and basically keeping engines running. Time is money, and if you can't afford to fuel your means of travel on time, then you're in deep trouble.

so they're going to destroy europe over fuel taxes
i will never understand anything politics related

the only way libertarians know how to react to negative stimuli is by getting angry and throwing things

the only way libertarians know how to react to negative stimuli is by getting angry and throwing things

the only way libertarians know how to react to negative stimuli is by getting angry and throwing things
so you expect them to do nothing and continue getting shafted by the government? what stupid logic

the french government are considering a state of emergency so they're obviously getting the attention of the government, and anyway, the government should be afraid of the people, not the other way round

imagine justifying injuring police officers instead of peacefully protesting

imagine justifying injuring police officers instead of peacefully protesting
imagine thinking peacefully protesting gets anything done
direct action gets the goods