Author Topic: let's discuss Alabama's new abortion bill  (Read 13461 times)

forcing a woman to have a child when they dont want one and/or is dangerous for both the baby and the mother is immoral. point, blank, period. and forcing it when it is a product of loveual assault is even worse. and forcing it when a girl hasnt even fully developed and gone through puberty is probably ultimate paramount absolute evil.

forcing women to bear the child especially in more unfortunate circumstances does nothing but damage both the mother and the child. it leads to illegal/unsafe/homemade abortions. (because let's be honest nothing is going to stop a woman from aborting if she ultimately needs to for her own safety and health) it potentially can lead to unhealthy relationships between mother and child. it can lead to the child being thrown into forgeted up foster care systems where the cycle of violence and abuse can repeat itself.

i get the whole "killing babies" sentiment, but it's rooted in ignorance. let's just be real. 99% of abortions dont happen when you are considered a BABY. they happen before or slightly after the fetal stage. for christ's sake you aren't even conscious until you are like 5 months old AFTER birth. to declare underdeveloped fetuses in the womb as full human beings is honestly just overly excessive emotional persuasion if you ask me.
hang on lemme move my bangs so i can read that again
I guess my argument against abortion(and not completely banning it) is rooted in 2 things: late term abortions(an admittedly small minority) and abortions that are not due to someone being underaged, a victim of loveual assault, the mothers life being in danger, exc. There are plenty of ways that two people can safely and responsibly have love that don’t lead to pregnancies. Arm bars, the blocker things(girl I used to date had one), condoms, birth control, plan B, exc.

In my mind if the focus was made on preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place by better educating young men and women on what the ramifications are this wouldn’t be the issue it is. It’s an extremely complicated issue but in my mind the utilitarian(in this case best) solution is for organizations like planned parenthood to make their focus less on abortions and more on preventing pregnancy in the first place

I guess my argument against abortion(and not completely banning it) is rooted in 2 things: late term abortions(an admittedly small minority) and abortions that are not due to someone being underaged, a victim of loveual assault, the mothers life being in danger, exc. There are plenty of ways that two people can safely and responsibly have love that don’t lead to pregnancies. Arm bars, the blocker things(girl I used to date had one), condoms, birth control, plan B, exc.

In my mind if the focus was made on preventing unwanted pregnancies in the first place by better educating young men and women on what the ramifications are this wouldn’t be the issue it is. It’s an extremely complicated issue but in my mind the utilitarian(in this case best) solution is for organizations like planned parenthood to make their focus less on abortions and more on preventing pregnancy in the first place
That's the thing though, I completely agree with you and the number of abortions has been consistently dropping every since love education got put into place. No one wants to have abortions, but abortions are more common when the population is not informed.

The current problem is the kinds of people pushing for abortion, the ultra-rich republican senator types, where they want to completely remove love ed AND criminalize abortion. This will only lead to more dangerous abortions. They are huge hypocrites because many cases have come out where these government legislators have all had multiple wives/abortions.

It's an endless circle of handicapped evangelism.
Arm bars, the blocker things(girl I used to date had one)
They are called IUD's and I agree, they are dope as hell
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 11:43:52 AM by Aide33 »

Don't forget that with abortions, women who have an accident either on BC or not don't bring in an unwanted child into their life, which usually inevitably forgets both the mother and child up. Forcing people to have children they don't want is one of the most immoral things I can think of.

keep abortions loving banned unless its a medical emergency (such as the mother is in danger of dying or other severe complications, but it is less than 1% of all cases on average, including any possible outliers)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 12:35:49 PM by Darth C3P0² »

keep abortions loving banned unless its a medical emergency (such as the mother is in danger of dying or other severe complications, but it is less than 1% of all cases on average, including any possible outliers)
Not good.
People who want abortions, people who have gotten loveually assaulted, and people who are underage or not financially stable will not make good mothers.
By preventing the abortion you:
-Significantly worsen the life of the mother
-Child will probably not be properly taken care of, or even cared for, since it was unwanted anyway
-Mother carries the shame of having an unwed child
-Mother now has the massive responsibility of caring for a child which takes thousands of dollars they may not have per year
-Child will be more likely to be seperate from his peers in some way (Anxiety, depression, etc)

If you limit it to medical emergencies, you essentially make the life worse for both the mother and the child, especially if the Father isn't there with them


uhmm dont get raped lol have pepper spray and a weapon or if all else fails give a condom to the rapist

Not good.
People who want abortions, people who have gotten loveually assaulted, and people who are underage or not financially stable will not make good mothers.
By preventing the abortion you:
-Significantly worsen the life of the mother
-Child will probably not be properly taken care of, or even cared for, since it was unwanted anyway
-Mother carries the shame of having an unwed child
-Mother now has the massive responsibility of caring for a child which takes thousands of dollars they may not have per year
-Child will be more likely to be seperate from his peers in some way (Anxiety, depression, etc)

If you limit it to medical emergencies, you essentially make the life worse for both the mother and the child, especially if the Father isn't there with them
In cases of loveual assault, the assaulter should pay child support before, during and after prison or other punishment if any because all of your money doesn’t just poof when you get arrested, or if that’s not possible then I think the state should assist a little bit if possible, or make the assaulter pay medical expenses up to birth if the mother is going to put the child in foster care.

For cases of irresponsible love or incest, that is no excuse to terminate the life of an innocent baby that isn’t even born yet. Once again, foster care is an option
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 12:51:07 PM by Darth C3P0² »

uhmm dont get raped lol have pepper spray and a weapon or if all else fails give a condom to the rapist
This is actually a bad point, you can’t just stop rape from happening, however you can prevent yourself from being vulnerable, but give a ducking condom to the rapist? What the forget

fetuses are basically a parasite until they are removed from the body. kinda like a Siamese twin where one of the twins is nonfunctioning so they remove it so the functioning twin can stay alive without it's resources being hogged. fetuses are mostly just a cancerous organ in the mothers body for 9 months

at least guys cant get pregnant phew

fetuses are basically a parasite until they are removed from the body. kinda like a Siamese twin where one of the twins is nonfunctioning so they remove it so the functioning twin can stay alive without it's resources being hogged. fetuses are mostly just a cancerous organ in the mothers body for 9 months
You are a parasite to your guardians for the first 18 years of your life or before you are financially independent, we should kill you bro
« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 01:46:19 PM by Darth C3P0² »

You are a parasite to your guardians for the first 18 years of your life or when you are financially independent, we should kill you bro

You are a parasite to your guardians for the first 18 years of your life or when you are financially independent, we should kill you bro
but I'm not part of my mother's body anymore, I'm an independent organism

Not good.
People who want abortions, people who have gotten loveually assaulted, and people who are underage or not financially stable will not make good mothers.
By preventing the abortion you:
-Significantly worsen the life of the mother
-Child will probably not be properly taken care of, or even cared for, since it was unwanted anyway
-Mother carries the shame of having an unwed child
-Mother now has the massive responsibility of caring for a child which takes thousands of dollars they may not have per year
-Child will be more likely to be seperate from his peers in some way (Anxiety, depression, etc)

If you limit it to medical emergencies, you essentially make the life worse for both the mother and the child, especially if the Father isn't there with them