Author Topic: Google goes NUCLEAR | Project Veritas CENSORED  (Read 8769 times)

Google goes NUCLEAR | Project Veritas CENSORED

"INSIDER BLOWS WHISTLE & EXEC REVEALS GOOGLE PLAN TO PREVENT "Annoying Orange SITUATION" IN 2020 ON HIDDEN CAM" (YouTube Mirror for those who don't want to watch the video on BitChute)

This video was posted on YouTube yesterday, and as it was approaching nearly a million views YouTube nuked the video. This desperate attempt to silence Project Veritas and their evidence of attempted election meddling is a sign of things to come. This is beyond "being a private company", this is illegal. 

Your wrong opinions will be silenced. If you stand against them, you are a bigot and full of hatred. This is Google.

Videos related to the subject on YouTube:

hey friend how was your day? i dont think we've spoke in a while

hey friend how was your day? i dont think we've spoke in a while
It was good . my dad got this for my birthday cant wait to play it after i get home from school

sry gtg i cant go on the form in the school library

aw man that sucks, hope to see you at the big game tomorrow!

In before the edit and lock

Meth,the link to the expansion pack is dead

Meth,the link to the expansion pack is dead
Ok i fixed it

Ok i fixed it
Thanks i really need it to show my cousin on my lan server

even if this is illegal they'll just be fined 0.0001% of their daily earnings, google is too loving big to be stopped.
just use duckduckgo/searx/startpage/qwant and adnauseam if you hate google that much

how come everytime there's a politics related topic somebody just stuffposts in it
And your "Unbiased" source checker has this to say about:

Clearly a sane and valuable website that doesn't label everything to the right of them as "Right Wing Extremists/Extremism"
ABC clearly did a no-no and dared to propose the possibility that the fact the United States entered a war-time environment within the first year of President George W. Bush's administration wasn't all President George W. Bush's fault. Thats "Right-Wing Propaganda".
« Last Edit: June 25, 2019, 03:37:55 PM by Master Matthew² »